This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Welcome Rich!

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

Ordinarily, you would be greeted by an <./>ACE</.>, but there's high demand for their time at the moment, so looks like it's just you and me smiley - winkeye I used to be an ACE, so have offered my services to come and help welcome all the new researchers (or newbies to you and me) to this wonderful site!

I'm here to help you round the magical maze of h2g2 (fondly known by researchers as hootoo), and to help start you off, I've created a little list of links, just for you, so click here A1159210 and have a look at them when you have time.

If you click on each link, they will take you to parts of hootoo so sane person should ever go.....

......but seems as no-one here is sane, it doesn't matter does it!

Have a look around, and don't be afraid to jump in on conversations, hootooers don't bite (well, some of them do, but I'll steer you well clear of those.)

Remember, if you get lost, just keep turning left and you'll eventually get back to the beginning. Failing that, just click on MY SPACE on the left hand side of your screen and you'll get back to your personal space.

Remember, I'm here to help. smiley - cheerup

Welcome Rich!

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

This is superb, you know. I'm frittering away so much work time and have come to the conclusion that this isn't just the best thing on the net, its better than the net. Take all the crap off the net and you would be left with something like this. I've been busying myself looking at everything from the Big Bang to the campaign to have Thursday renamed. It's lovely. I'm even going home and working on a guide entry, so I suppose you could say that I'm getting on pretty famously with it all.

Anyway, got a couple of quick questions. When searching through the "Life", "Universe" etc. sections the various strands say "13 members" or whatever. What does this mean? And if I'm replying to a conversation from, say, 2001, is it likely that the previous poster will get to read it or will they have moved on long ago?

Thanks for your help!

Welcome Rich!

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I have no idea about that 13 members thing....must go and have a look smiley - bigeyes

As for replying to really old conversations, the best thing to do is post to it, then go to that persons personal space (just click on their name).....have a look to see when they last posted, and then go have a look at their conversations list to see if it has appeared at the top of their conversations listing.

Sometimes peopole do unsubscribed from very old conversations whereas others keep them forever. It's all down to personal choice really. glad you're getting to grips with H2G2....and you can't become a thingite!!! smiley - laugh

Welcome Rich!

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Oh dear, have I mistakenly joined a faction? I don't think I meant to. I just thought Sodit was a good name for Monday. Maybe I could be all wishy washy and just choose the bits I like? Or is that getting confusingly philosophical?

Thanks for your help but forgot one bit! If I wanted to start a new conversation, how do I know where to put it so that someone who might know an answer would be more likely to read it? For example, if I want to know the chemical composition of fairy dust (to be random) do I go through Everything>Folklore>Fairies etc. until I get to similar conversations people are already having and pop it in there? Or at Ask h2g2?

Hope I'm not disturbing your birthday by the way (would put winking smily thing here, but one thing at a time, eh?)

Welcome Rich!

Post 5

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh my mother is a thingite....and once she gets hold of you, you will never, ever escape!! smiley - yikes

I knew I should never have introduced her to hootoo smiley - doh

Ah well....right, back to your question.

To be honest, the choice is yours. I am unsure of any fairy dust compound information on here smiley - laugh

I would go to <./>askh2g2</.> If anyone knows if there is a "help entry" on this, then they will give you a link smiley - winkeye

As for biffdays.....(or burpdays), no worried....not much happening atm anyhow

Welcome Rich!

Post 6


*Happy Birthday VV*

smiley - cake

Sorry to gatecrash your conversation, really glad that you're enjoying h2g2!

If you're working on an entry that you'd like to get into the EG do feel free to ask me for help smiley - biggrin

If you're looking for information - well then you can look for an entry or if you can't find one - ask someone - ask h2g2 is a good place to do that..

Ooh yes and there's always The Forum A1146917 - which is like ask but without the word games..

Nice to meet you


Now I'm off to put the kettle on, would you like some smiley - tea?

Welcome Rich!

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

Have just met your mum - my first two "friends" on here - aah, how sweet! Keep it in the family, eh?

Didn't really want to know about fairy dust, just have a randomly enquiring mind and it was the first thing that popped into my head as a "for example"! Although I had a friend who had a business idea for selling bags of cloud. I think he'd had too much fairy dust. Now I know there are no right or wrong places to start conversations I'm gonna start mucking in with true uninhibited abandon....

For a start I'm going to askh2g2 for ideas on what a h2g2 birthday should be officially called, there's gotta be a cool name for it in someone's head. and to think I came on here to unravel the sectrets of the cosmos.... (again, would insert smiley but that can wait a few days.....!)

Welcome Rich!

Post 8

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Brilliant idea rich!!!! smiley - laugh

Z Can I have a smiley - tea Please?

Welcome Rich!

Post 9


Here you go VV, milk an two sugars ok?

Yes Rich, you've just arrived in a place where people serve each other virtual drinks. I'd be afraid, very afraid...

Welcome Rich!

Post 10

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother afraid....especially if Z serves you a drink with 2 sugars in it when you only take 1 smiley - laugh

Welcome Rich!

Post 11


Mind you there's worse at the Thingites..

Ooh sorry VV, I'm just in the habit of doing two because the landlords busing himself doing unesscary repairs as his wife's banned him from doing DIY at home!

Never ever rent a flat off someone who always regreted not being a builder, and like all builders he takes two sugars.

Welcome Rich!

Post 12

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh You poor bugger!!!!!!

The Thingites...I mean. Who would actually want to become a Thingite? This is a real strange one to mother becoming one I can understand...she's completely mad, but I must use all my influences to stop newbies from being brainwashed by them! smiley - yikes

Welcome Rich!

Post 13

Skankyrich [?]

Blimey, things move fast around here. No sooner had I posted the birthday renaming post than I come back and theres a little party having a brew in my personal space.

I only drink espresso, fair trade from Oxfam, two sugars (I say two though I'm weaning myself off it as I've realised it tastes better bitter) and preferably with a large Spanish brandy in the bottom. Just for future brewing reference. Actually, it seems to taste even better when it's virtual....

Welcome Rich!

Post 14


Haven't got any spanish Brandy, but here's an expresso smiley - coffee with two sugars. It's fairtrade coffee anyway.

Virtual sugar has no calories so you're alright there..

Welcome Rich!

Post 15

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

If it has no calories, can you please tell me why I have big hips?

Welcome Rich!

Post 16


Er, well perhaps it's all the smiley - cake which I belive is calorie laden!

Welcome Rich!

Post 17

Skankyrich [?]

Gotta have cake on your birthday though!

Welcome Rich!

Post 18

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well, no-body told me that!! smiley - yikes All that smiley - cake I've eaten recently!!!

Right, I think I'm going to sue h2g2 for hiding this piece of information!

Welcome Rich!

Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - laugh

That will teach you to go pinching the smiley - choc from all the threads too!!

smiley - magic

Mum xx

Welcome Rich!

Post 20

Skankyrich [?]

Late smiley - bubbly

Missed my first hooniversary by several days, ah well...

smiley - cider all round!

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