This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

I've just posted a photo request to the Photographers page, but I know some of my friends are big wildlife people who might not be aware of it...

So if you're a wildlife person and have any photos of British Mammals, please go to F5517734?thread=3688530 and read all about it!

smiley - cheers

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 2


I've left a message on Bluesue's page, she has loads of excellent stuff, red squirrels, foxes, badgers etc. Maybe Websailor & Scorpio witch do also.

I bet Willem (The unmentionable marauding pillowcase) has lots of South African wildlife pics; i'm sure he would love to get involved.


Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

Bluesue has already submitted five fantastic pictures, and I'm hoping Webbie and Scorpio smiley - witch will spot this smiley - smiley Great of you to be putting the word around smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 4


I shall continue on my mission of Spreading the Word of Skanky, oh master.Bates breath for the next exciting installment.

smiley - whistle


Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Just British mammals please Terrismiley - grovelno wildebeast (unless you're looking out of a Torquay hotelroom window) or zebras, thanks!smiley - ok

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 6


Rich, the only photos I have on the computer are not mine, so copyright might be an issue. I have one very poor one of one of my badgers 9in the dark!!) which doesn't count. I haven't checked the link out yet as I was posting a message of condolence to Annie(Galaxy Babe). I will have a look now.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - ok Just wanted to point it out, just in case!

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 8


Sorry Rich! would be delighted to help; but mine are mostly of the feathered variety or domestic. If I see anything over the next few days I'll certainly get snapping.

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 9


You couldn't make it up. I've been to the local town this morning and parked in a car park with huge trees surrounding it. As I got out of the car a Grey Squirrel literally ran over my foot and stopped on the grass just ahead of me. You've guessed it - I'd left the smiley - bleep camera at homesmiley - grr

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 10

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - yikes Oh well...

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - yikes

A grey squirrel ran across the car park last Saturday when I parked at the Hospice. Mum & I both saw it, but Andrew missed it because he didn't get out of the car quick enough. He was really miffed. I was glad I *didn't* have my camera on me, because I wouldn't have been quick enough to take its photo, but Andrew's face would have been a picture.smiley - laugh

I wish I had taken a snap of the one that hung upside down from the garage snaffling the monkey nuts Dad had strung up to keep them away from the bird table.

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 12

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - laugh This is turning into a near-misses thread!

Wildlife Photos Wanted!

Post 13

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - groan If you want photos of Grey Squirrels come to London! I will see what I can do!

I desperately need one of a Ring-necked Parakeet for my non-native Birds of Britain University Project. They are too smiley - bleep fast to get a photo of, or too far away! smiley - steam

smiley - musicalnote

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