This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 21


Rich, learn to ease back on the throttle once in a while (says one who can't!).

You know we shall all be waiting for your gems whenever they may appear. Don't do as I have just done - worked like crazy to get masses done (which I have) but I ended up with a huge migraine, the worst I've had for a long time putting my out of action for nearly four days. What a waste of timesmiley - steam . It isn't worth itsmiley - grr.

Take care,
Websailorsmiley - dragon

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 22

Skankyrich [?]

This is me easing back, Webbie! Apart from when I've been on holiday, this is the least active I've ever been on h2g2 smiley - smiley I do need to keep focussed on things, though, as this is quite an important time for me.

Sorry to hear you haven't been well, I've suffered from migraines myself in the past and I know the knockout effect all too well. Don't get too smiley - grr though, or you'll get it back!

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 23


Point taken, smiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 24

Skankyrich [?]

I've managed to get all the fieldwork done, although I might have to return to one reserve as I seem to be missing some crucial notes. If I work hard on it, I should be able to tie up the project sometime next week.

Having said that, I am taking Webbie's advice and walking a section of the Coast Path tomorrow to take some time out from it smiley - smiley

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 25


If you feel someone walking behind you, but there is no-one there, fear not, 'Tis Ismiley - smileysmiley - ghost

smiley - hug
Websailorsmiley - dragon

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 26

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

The notes weren't in your friends car then, Rich?

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 27

Skankyrich [?]

I'll try to take some photos and put them online for you, Webbie, and I'll keep a sixth sense out for you too smiley - smiley

The notes haven't showed up lil, no - I've been through everything several times and even chacked M's car myself. I'm trying to cobble together enough from memory, photos and maps to complete that one, but it might not be possible smiley - sadface

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 28

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm sorry to hear that smiley - hug

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 29

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - goodluck for finding your notes, Rich. smiley - hug

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 30

Skankyrich [?]

I'm already resigned to the fact that I won't find them, Bel smiley - sadface

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 31

aka Bel - A87832164

Awww, but you're still young and your memory should be splendid, I'm sure you'll manage wihout the notes smiley - biggrin

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 32

Skankyrich [?]

The notes were from a place I visited a few weeks ago, though - I can't remember how wide the steps were from memory, for example, or how steep the path leading down was. These are pretty crucial things.

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 33

aka Bel - A87832164

I bet you enjoyed it - any excuse to go there again, eh? smiley - winkeye

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 34

Skankyrich [?]

If only smiley - biggrin Pleasant enough, but there are lots of sites I'd be much happier to lose my notes for! It was this one:

'...the site has no exceptional interest...'

And that's their website saying that! It's a bit like going to Seaton, to be honest - it's ok, but you'd rather be in Beer smiley - biggrin

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 35

aka Bel - A87832164

Thank you, I'll explore the link another day, it's late and I'm smiley - sleepy.

Goodnight smiley - hug

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 36

Skankyrich [?]

I've just completed the second of the five in the project, so things are moving along quite nicely now smiley - biggrin

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 37

aka Bel - A87832164

Weöll done, Rich smiley - ok

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 38


smiley - applause Well done. smiley - smiley

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 39

Skankyrich [?]

I've just finished the fourth. I need to re-visit a site tomorrow to take some notes that I lost, so I haven't actually got any more work I can do tonight smiley - smiley

I'm now going to do the washing up and some housework, clear my desk and have a smiley - cider - at this rate, I'll be back working on h2g2 by the end of the week.

Gloomy Wednesday

Post 40

aka Bel - A87832164

That would be today smiley - tongueout
Will be good to have you back 'fulltime' smiley - winkeye again smiley - biggrin

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