Journal Entries

A 28 hour day, a 6 day week

Well, why not? With an extra four hours a day to goof off one wouldn't really mind a one day weekend, and with the opportunity to sleep in nine or ten hours without missing much of Monday at all, there would be considerably less need for Sunday. Of course, one would run into the problem of jiving with a twenty-four hour solar cycle, but many of us have this problem already, finding it difficult to center on the sixteen wakeful hours endorsed by "civil" society. With everyone's clock offset by a twenty-eight hour day, the correct environment would exist to implement another useful idea: the rotating workday. Instead of everyone working the same nine-to-five day (a concept that never made sense to me as a child, since I could never figure ought how anyone bought anything if they had to keep their own shop during the same hours as all of the other shop keepers) each individual would have their choice of the 9.03 hour shift most convenient to their lifestyle and would, therefore, find everyone else keeping things running in the hours when said individual would prefer to go to the movies, eat a hot-dog, purchase a record, etc.
The frightening thing is that, although one would expect night-owls to be the ones to embrace this sort of idea, the morning people have gotten the jump on us with the introduction of the 24-hour fitness center.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 1999


Ah rapture--a new Primus album

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 1999

Requested Guide Entries

There are a great many things I would like to write guide entries on,
so it will take me quite a while to get to all of them. Therefore,
if there is a specific topic related to molecular biology, thrash-funk
music, or seeing the Bay Area on less than $30 a day, please let me
know by adding a request for that topic in the discussion of this
journal entry.

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 1999

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Feral Korzybski

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