expertly withdrawn... touching on genius

<h2>the land of my fathers</h1>
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Effortlessly transformed from the grandeur of landscape that was the garden of eden, to the untimely demise of all things light and fruitful. Beyond the market place and garden square I find the gathering hum of architectural pleasantries insulting and difficult to consume. Despite my lack of clarity I must look upon this revelation of nature as an invitation to nestle in her bosom. I take my rightful stance on the long board of eternity and hang ten as only a female creature can.
I like not the manly wo. I cannot say why, it just sits precariously on my tongue. I do not much like the references of landscapes or gardens... perhaps I have been abducted by the media ghouls of the underworld. I know not the wheels that drive my extremities I merely cater for their needs with incessant babbling. A counter culture germinates from the essence of my gravel pile.
I am an invert. A quietly closeted former self with expert timing. Everybody was kung fu fighting and I must say it was a little bit frightening. Perhaps without cause I should end this introduction. Good.

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Researcher 91676

Researcher U91676


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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