A small part of Lokki's world
Hi, I'm Lokki (not to be confused with the Nordic Lord of Mischief...), and this is my problem...
My spouse and I have too many Stuffed Animals. They're piled up all over the place. They are on the floor, on bookshelves, in the den...in short they're everywhere.
However, they are mostly gifts with high sentimental value and we can't give them all away. Plus, as we all know, putting stuffed animals in the attic will hurt their feelings. Any ideas out there?
I have thought of stitching them together to form an animal train, but that still doesn't get them out of the way.
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Join the club | Sep 9, 1999 | Aug 17, 2008 |
Hurricane Floyd | Sep 14, 1999 | No Replies |
Coffee tables | Sep 9, 1999 | Sep 10, 1999 |
abort/retry/fail? | Sep 9, 1999 | Sep 10, 1999 |
Weird Al Discography Help | Sep 9, 1999 | No Replies |
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