Journal Entries

18 weeks ago and no replies

Obviously my friend Cutlery has a more interesing page. Oh well I posted a worth while entry and sod all people discuss about. Ah well if at first you don't suceed, shout at the people who should've help you so....CUTLERY WHY WHY???

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2000

My French teacher and Violin moments

Your probably wondering what a violin moment is, well it's when some whines on about something like - "Inmy day we didn't......" You get the picture. Anyway the point is I'm supposed to be learning french for my GCSE's ( like I'll use french anyway ). However all she ever does is whine. Now it would be OK if it was in french 'cos for a start I wouldn't understand it so I could take no notice of her ( which I do anyway but that's beside my point ). But she does it in English which doesn't help me learn anything now does it. Anyway I also want to say HI! to anyone from NYfFSM.

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 1999

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