Oh Holy Bob, hear my solemn prayer;

- sarpy -

Hmm... Okay, - well it’s about that time again, so here we go again... a whole re-vamp? Well, no, not exactly... (smile)

Hello again, this is Gary, aka “sarpdragon”, or “sarpy”, as I like to be called, but no, not in real life, or rather face-to face, just over the net, but funny thing, have yet to be called that, in writing, even once. Not that I’m making a big deal of it... (smile)

By myself, trying to find something to do with my life, just happening to be listening to the book of Luke via “The Bible Experience” while I type this down, so forgive me if this drifts off a bit...

Not complaining about folks not bursting down my door, but the date I wrote most of this is February 12, 2010, and thanks to my friend, Richard, for helping me with the application to the Census Bureau, finally by happenstance had the opportunity to take the test yesterday, at the library out here, the 38th St. branch. I do hope I get the break I need to go on Census Bureau walkabout. Whether I do, or not, thanks so very much anyway, Chief, for all your help. (smile)

Been hopping back and forth to the library downtown, since forever, applying for jobs here and there, and really been tired of being refused and such, but am still ‘hanging in there’, but honestly, my neck’s getting sore from the swing of things. So I’d switched to putting in an application or two a week, here and there, and checking my e-mails for responses from employers at the public library, as there’s no e-mail working at home, but I’m certainly not complaining. Oh, but I do believe I will try a bit harder, as I am getting to ride my bike a bit more these days, rather than riding the bus, unfortunately, but riding a bike on 38th St. is much more dangerous than riding one anywhere else in the city, I should think. These folks are crazy, honkin’ at a guy just tryin’ to make his way to the library, swerving next to him in a weird way, passengers hangin’ out the window, all spooky and such... :o(

I’ve been going to the church of a good friend and his family, and over the years had finally begun to think of it as my church, had really become accustomed to the way we have service, but as the Pastor died, I really had found myself in a precarious situation, falling asleep during sermons & what not. But still, attending, on schedule, each & every time they had one, as I do enjoy the way the congregation sings to the Lord together, every Wednesday, and twice on Sundays.

So what I thought to try to do was find another church out by where I live now, if I could, but when a friend, (well, I’d began thinking of him a friend) in the congregation started up a ‘Men’s Prayer Meeting’ every Saturday, I found myself getting up and enjoying an early morning cross town bus ride, getting to the church by 9:00, 8:30 most of the time, and having just us few guys that attended, honestly chatting for a while and eventually praying for our Families, Church, and Country, honestly, I’d found it hard to do at first... well, the kneeling at the altar was the second hardest thing, to the out-loud praying thing, (anyone getting tired of reading yet? - smile)

But the last Saturday, I discovered that, well, at least for the Family portion, I was able to put my thoughts together rather well, and realized that my prayer was just having a conversation with God. I thank Reginald for that, and hope it’s okay that if I can, when I can, I could still come, and be happy to continue coming there for just that, as it does seem he has a bit of a time, getting folks to come regularly to the meeting. (But if of course, he finds my noting this online some sort of weird evil mischievousness, I would just do so on my own, though I’ve yet to name the church or anyone associated therein)

But I really want to find a church where the congregation sings together and not one where the congregation is sung to, and don’t ask me why, just love to praise the Lord with my voice with people I can get along with. I believe I received that desire from my mother, and have done what I could lately to continue that… well, at least over the past two years since I stayed with my friend and his family.

So before I keep going and going, and going, (once I sent my Aunt and Uncle a 7-page letter) I’ll just re-vamp the stuff I wrote long ago... and no, this is just a bit of a long-winded story walkabout with a science fictional theme from back in the day...

So, here's the stuff from years ago:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Less than Old Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hmm... Deep, deep breath... (smile)

Great day in the morning, fellow hitchhikers!!

Thank the One for being alive this wonderful day!

(For all you newcomers, this is supposed to be the human version of 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy' - yeah, yeah, I know, but this IS a good excuse for folks to communicate with one another... anyway - )

I have again returned after a long, long hiatus to say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness may seem to be a weird thing to base the construction of a country or a civilization on, but it seems to work for us here in the Colonies.

Funny though, that there seems to be quite a varying thought over what happiness really is here, but well, let's just say that some peeps find it, and some peeps don't.

Pardon the impending dialogue here, but... Choice. It all comes down to that. You can either choose to do evil, or choose to do... well if not a seriously total GOOD, then at least most definitely not an abashedly complete EVIL.

Well anyways, I'm going out for the good side of life... Good for peeps I know, and good for ole' sarpy. Also - (hopefully), good for all the other happy-go-lucky dingleberries of this strange place.

And know that I can honestly say that I think I've got my head on straight these days, (as far as I can tell - oh brother) but admit that even that might just be a figment of my imagination.

Because it seems, that if it's not one thing, it's another. (smile) But the key to it all is to keep that Angel on your shoulder... just that sometimes a brudder's shoulder gets tired, (well, this one’s does) 'cause the funky she/he angel thingy can be a heavy little dude... (smile)

Anyways, folks - just keep the faith & grin and bear it. Keep going in the right direction, and when you have need to fear, try to make it brief.

Have faith in yourself and in something you believe greater than yourself, cause anything else is just... well... self destructive crap. Know you yourself can make it in this life because you just know you can! (smile) Well, thanks for listening, and sorry for running on for so long...

<- pop me an e-mail sometime to ->

[email protected]
(my e-mail of preference)

or, try my 'Gary Fraction' alias on Facebook, or MySpace. (smile)

and sometimes I check another 'sarpdragon' address, and that is [email protected], but of course, I use the other one most often.

...if you have the desire or the time, please feel free, and I’ll answer and reply as I can (smile)

Okay, stepping off my soapbox, and getting ready to get hit in the face with scraps of rotten Korean lettuce...(smile)

That's "kim-chee" for those taking notes... (you can stop tossing now, Richard)

Okay, and now the --

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, Now the Super - Duper Old Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Okay, so I used to work and stay - hey I 'm a bachelor with little need for space - (yeah right), at the Hotel where used to work... but now I'm back hanging with a friend and his wife and their kids, out on the westside of town. (and that's Indianapolis, IN, BTW.

And, it's a quiet, dignified sort of neighborhood, - where someone can leave their fence down or garage open and no one says or does anything about it, and I am still out and about still looking for new employment, and of course am ready to retire... just as soon as I figure what I'm retiring from...

Kicked all my bad habits - I don't hardly even breathe now - and now just make chili or some other recipe with my brother over weekends, or whenever he wants me over.

Not drinking anymore, and though I do wish I could start that up again if I met the right drink-mate, I really can’t go there, as I really lose control of myself when I gullop even just a bit... and oh yeah, that's a W-O-M-A-N, don't ever, ever, get it twisted, as men are freaky, stinky things, can't even see how women could put up with them... (smile) but hey, here's hopin' from my point-of-view... (smile)

Also, don't need to drink... press me on this, recently was given quite a bunch of alcohol, could've stayed in my little room and drunk myself to oblivion if I had that desire, but nah, don't want to, have to work to try to help keep my niece in college, (meaning I hang around her mum, my sister quite a bit and keep her from coming home) and keep myself looking halfway decent...

BTW, I go by the nicknames sarpy and sarpdragon on here and elsewhere, sort of a remnant of my old and silly AD&D days, and if anyone has a hankering to start up a game, I've certainly been going through role-playing withdrawal in case anyone's interested... a friend of a good friend had a game going quite a while ago and I joined in for just one session and then eagerly ran all over town & bought back all the books I'd lost or had stolen from me over the years, and even bought up a bunch of new ones, just to find out the game had either gone funky, or my invite privileges gone kaput-so.

Shucks, disappointed was I, as I did go and get diced up like crazy... (meaning, went out and bought a bunch of dice to play with) - (smile)
Aw well... no hard feelings though, this was a really good friend. (Hi James)

Okay, what follows is the old stuff I had here, heck - I'm not throwing any of this stuff out, just to keep remembering it, thanks folks at H2G2... love ya much!

(wow, just re-read the stuff below, that was me like 7 or 8 years ago... yeesh - what a nerd I wuz!!) A-hem, am...

And - Yes, this is really silly, but what can I say, it's how I was thinking after getting into this interesting man’s book... (smile)

Ok, Back after a serious year and a half hiatus, just tried getting "into" another skin, just to find that I should just be happy to be in the skin I'm in. I think that's a song. If it's not than it should be. My "nick" is sarpdragon, (seriously) and as I am not one to dwell on the seriousness of life, liberty and the discovery of sexual frustration, I now am just trying to live life as far full as the glass will fill, or empty, depending on how one sees it, and to basically try to have a really hoopy time doing it!

I am 610 sarian years old, (that's just 35 in Earth years), with a mind set on being disinterested on anything serious. At the moment I am located in the local zone of Indiana, just about dead-center...(strange way of putting it, isn't it?) in its largest city... I believe one got its name from the other, which, I don't know... But I think it must have something to do with racing cars... and the harmonious display of black-and-white squares on a "flag". Now, whether that has to do with the other favorite flag in this area of the planet, the "old stars and stripes" I don't know, except that whenever they race these dangerous carbon monoxide blowing things, they like to wave them both around quite a bit.

More information will be written as I can think of what to say... Until then, have a wonderful day, and may the light of Bob beam down on your blushing cheeks. (whichever ones you have exposed, I'm not looking)


Hi, my name is Gary and the above intro has been running in here for more years than I care to say... (smile) I've not been replied to much, so I haven't been trying to really think of anything to change on it, but I will be posting something interesting quite soon. I have been in the Army, a cook, working among other places, in downtown Indy at an evil Greek restaurant, in the Indiana National Guard, 2 times, and worked at an Iron works where I lost half my right hand. I also worked as the Front Desk Manager of a happy Hotel in Indianapolis for 4 1/2 years.

So when you read this, remember, your life could be worse! Have a wonderful day!

PS, - Oh, and remember to keep your towel with you!

Gary / sarpy - sarpdragon / Fraction

And, no, I'm not a complete nut... (smile)

Thank you, God for letting me wake up again!

- sarpy - 02/12/2010

Okay, now this is me again, back from the top, and I beg your pardon if you couldn’t quite ‘get into’ or understand the weird writings I put in this, I really think I should probably put in for a schooling to become some sort of writer... Anyways, just wanting to put in here that I thank the LORD that my sisters and brother are the people they are today, for letting me see my nephew’s beautiful children, and the man that he’s become. Hope my nieces find their happiness in whatever life they wish to live.

Oh, and towel or not, I prefer to keep an umbrella with me at all times. Good to have one and not need it, rather than to need one and not have it. (stole that from somewhere) And it’s just the folded up kind, keep it in a book bag thingy, a friend passed to me, though I really never got into school all that much. Trying to get into some sort of schooling, but not all that sure what classes I need or want to take. So, anyone have any ideas, please e-mail me at your convenience.

Going to go ahead and leave that “Oh Holy Bob” stuff, on the headline, though I know no one is Holier than the Lord God almighty, I think he wouldn’t mind all that much when we use it in a humorous, fictional sort of way. But if he does, guess I’ll pay for it, just like Michael Jackson. A kid who was put to work by his father, years earlier than... no, on second thought, I won’t start an MJ bio. Sorry. (jk)

So, anyway, going to continue to pray for my family, friends, for the friends at the church I love to go to, and do intend on continuing to go to. Lord, help me find a place for me, a church to attend, as well as school that I can put up with, whether it be an on-line school, or (preferably) one I can attend, personally. As well as a place to work. A-men.

Now, the really interesting thing about writing this, is that the longer I do it, the more stuff I want to write… hmm, can tell that in itself is an irony… but I’ll leave that alone, for now… (smile)

- sarpy - 02/14/2010

Hmm… on second thought, maybe I won’t be putting this exact note on my page… Whew! What people do, and why they do it… and what they write and why they write it… Also the Christian generosity of people really amazes me, as well as the irony of what happens when you’re not looking… Anyway, will be going to the same church now, (unless someone chops off my foot)… But thank you to the members of my church. I’ll just have to prove that I’m worth their favor.


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