This is the Message Centre for Paul, quite possibly the only useless object on the earth

My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 1

Paul, quite possibly the only useless object on the earth

Hey everyone reading this! I am looking for some mates to help guide me through this first awkward phase of my h2g2 lifesmiley - erm Can anyone help? And don't be afraid to talk smiley - winkeye

There may be a smiley - ale in it for a friendly person smiley - hug

My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 2

Post Team

Hi Paul... welcome to h2g2... ~hug~... my names Greebo T. Cat... er... me knows that's not what the name attached to this message is... but at the moment me is helping the good Shazz with ThePost... h2g2's newspaper... ~grin~ So am under a different persona... but me was just reading some of your messages around h2g2 and you seem a quite happy chappy... so me thought me would pop around and give you a welcome... which me did... ~Greebo points to the welcome... which is this message.. so she gets a little confused~

Hmmm... ~confused grin~... how's everything doing?


My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 3

Paul, quite possibly the only useless object on the earth

hiya! smiley - hug Thanks for the welcome!! At the moment everythings going sort of ok, I have added an entry and met a few people. I have even joined the thingites! But now my initial enthusiasm has kinda run out and I am now lurking behind the upstairs toilet mumbling incoherently and drinking lots of smiley - tea.

My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 4

Paul, quite possibly the only useless object on the earth

btw, is it true you have a liking for smiley - donuts? Cause I do too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 5

Post Team

~huge grin~... Me is not sure that the word 'liking' quite covers my feelings towards doughnuts... they are of course my favourite food and me eats them all the time... or at least as often as me can get people to give them to me... ~wink~

Your place of lurking seems a little out of the way behind the toilet... ~grin~... but then me supposes thats how you lurk isn't it... me doesn't often do it... lurk me means.. not using the toilet... but then that's a completely different story...


My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 6

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*waves at Greebo, then instructs the foreman to empty the smiley - donut lorry into a small, neat, sugary heap*

My myself and well umm no-one!

Post 7

Post Team

~The small, neat sugary heap is soon replaced by a large, and happy looking orange and black cat~

Hmmmm... Clive my love... you really now how to show a girl a good time me thinks... ~wink~


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