Journal Entries

Listened for the 345th time to "Johnsburg, Illinois" by Tom Waits yesterday.
It lasts not more than two minutes, but is one of the cutest songs ever written.
I tend to get tender and soft when listening to it, and my number of enemies decreases rapidly during these two minutes.
Songs like Ol'55, The Heart Of Saturday Night, Shiver Me Timbers and San Diego Serenade,
which also tear your heart out, shouldn't be forgotten

Mercy Mister Percy there's nothing back in Jersey

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 1999


 Being a rookie in terms of doing more than just casually surfing around on the web, I now feel an uncertainness when writing this. What will people think of me when they read this?
Will they think that it was stupid to write what I just wrote?
Will they think it was stupid to be nervous about writing that I was uncertain about writing the last sentence where I told that I was uncertain, nervous about...

Well, stop.
Fjords are beautiful you say the stupidest things when you're near them.

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 1999

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