Journal Entries

Looking all around in wonder

I've been off work ill for a few days this week and last week, so I have been taking the opportunity to have a good 'poke about' in the Guide, to read all sorts on the front pages and generally take my mind off things (cotton wool in my head precludes much reading, and daytime TV is not to be considered).
Apart from silly but totally addictive games, I have found out about an astonishing variety of things, ranging from resisting killing myself (on today's front page) to chicken pox. Heavy stuff.
Off to a locum doctor this afternoon. The wheels seem to be turning at work, they don't seem to have noticed I am not there. Mind you, when I go back there will be the usual comments.
Obviously a bit of a curtailed entry - but probably the best I can manage in the current state of my soggy brain. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2004

A slice of good fortune

Never expected this one, but the ICT department retrieved data from the laptop yesterday smiley - biggrin. And they had just done it when the machine expired again, possibly for the last time. You can be sure that I will be an obsessive backer-up of data from now on.
Deep joy, on Monday the men from the ministry come to inspect the Education Authority. Oo-er. Time will tell, but we reckon we are the bee's knees. Arrogance before a fall or justified confidence. Not sure, but hope all goes well. At least their arrival means an end to obsessive preparations and paperchasing. This is not the way we advise schools to do it, but we are busily producing loads of 'never to be read' evidence.
Never mind, all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2004

Life's tapestry

Today I am streaming with cold - and yesterday morning I felt fine - as long as it gallops away as quickly as it came I will think myself lucky. For now, wrap up warm, and count blessings.
Waiting for the tertiary phase to really grip, though the mattresses are sweet, whatever Marvin thinks. But whatever happens, this is one of the blessings I am counting, and I am sure like others I am here because the programme is on and I was poking around on the BBC website.
And I am no longer (new this week). A veteran, already! Still lurking about without contributing much except for joining in silly but totally addictive games (oo, there have been four posts since my last one, sort of thing). What it is to be a 50 year old teenager. smiley - disco

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Latest reply: Sep 28, 2004

Seven days and counting

Still no laptop. But what the heck. More to the point, the men from planet Zarg arrive to put us all under the microscope next Monday. Oo-er. Grilling the week after, and wait for the judgements. Very odd feeling, being inspected where I work as opposed to being in a school - most of what goes on is what other people say about me. I think I might cry.
Everyone up for it today - let them come, we'll show the world. The talking stops - time to let them know how brilliant we are. Perhaps we might even convince ourselves.
Hard to believe that the official report publishing date is December 24th - but it is, we have written proof. Someone needs to get out more.

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2004

Oh nononononono

Calamity - laptop died at work today. Yes, OK, in the scheme of things and all that; but it is a pain. It is currently with laptop doctor who will pronounce before long. I fear the worst. And before you ask, no it isn't backed up. Oh well, take the hit, learn, move on. The world will be turning tomorrow. And I might interact with people even more. Not only a paperless office (well not far off) but an electronic file-free one. smiley - wah
Met with lots of new beginning teachers today. Starting where I started almost 30 years ago (gulp). Hope they have a brilliant time - I have and I haven't finished yet
In the end, a mixed sort of day.smiley - cheerup

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Latest reply: Sep 23, 2004

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