Journal Entries

walking in the woods

I like walking in the woods,
Old woods where the path leads to a glade
Sit on the stump of an old oak and smoke a cigerette
and know the right way out.
I dont like woods where the trees are planted in straight rows,
where you carnt see the horizon and everything looks the same,
I always seem to get lost in those woods
everyway looks the right way out
I should get a dog I could take him walking
An irish wolfhound called Cuculain
He could be dragging some huge branch or chasing a rabbit
hed know the way to go.
I did have a cat but shes dead now
A huge longhaired bad tempered ginger fiend called Honey
She didnt care much for walking in the woods not with me anyway

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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2007

a possible side effest of watching too much Disney

I am sure, though I have no concrete evidence that somewhere there is an ant smoking a cigarette and playing a guitar.

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2007


I am convinced,but only im convinced that sometime in November 1977 I fell asleep in maths, and the last thirty years have all been a dream.

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2007

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