This is the Message Centre for KB

Lanzababy calling KB

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor


Just hoping that I can nudge you into making some Scout picks please?

We don't have an auto system to remind people of when to take a turn, so am prompting you, in the hopes that you can spot something that is ready for selection.

smiley - cheers


Lanzababy calling KB

Post 2


smiley - ok

Lanzababy calling KB

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - cool Nice one KB! thanks

Lanzababy calling KB

Post 4

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi there KB

I've been writing to you from guideeditors at h2g2 dot com address, but have had no replies. Would you be so kind as to send me a message to that email address please, as I am trying to set up a new Scout reminder system.

I just realised that you weren't replying, so I guess you've not been receiving mail from us.

In the meantime, do feel free to make some selections.

best wishes


Lanzababy calling KB

Post 5


Cheers Lanza, I'll get on it tomorrow. I've been having difficulties with email - if I can't get it sorted tomorrow I'll get in touch with an alternative account. smiley - ok

Lanzababy calling KB

Post 6

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Thanks KB, sorry I was slow on the uptake smiley - biggrin

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