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My hat it has three corners...

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

Made a tricorn! Not one of the leather ones - not that cool - but I bought a wool felt floppy-brimmed hat and put in a few stitches. It'll do for a coachman disguise... Mine is teal, but they had black ones, too, if you want one. smiley - smiley

My hat it has three corners...

Post 2


smiley - boing Triangularity des Geistes! We definitely need to make the leather ones sometime, too. They'd be cool.

When's your coachman gig, anyway? Will you get to do it much or is it for a on-off event?

My hat it has three corners...

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from now until Christmas smiley - puff I can opt out of a few days if I need to, but then I don't get paid...

I won't go on Saturday the 10th - that's the Dragonslayers 24-hour gaming event. smiley - cool If you want to come to that (or any of the regular ones) just say the word; you don't have to be a student.

My hat it has three corners...

Post 4


Sounds good. What system do they use anyway?

Sorry about today's mix-up. I suppose we can reschedule. Is Monday any good for you? smiley - laugh

My hat it has three corners...

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, all kinds of things - there are usually about 10 different games running at once, and more if you count the console gamers!

Sorry, Monday is the Christmas dinner for one of the clubs.

My hat it has three corners...

Post 6


smiley - bigeyes Spoilt for choice, then.

smiley - ok I think Monday might be out for me too, actually. There's a comic thing on I'd forgotten about.smiley - doh Let me know when suits.

smiley - laugh You'll be sick of Christmas dinners by the time the 25th gets here!

My hat it has three corners...

Post 7


Just you're among us infidels you have nobody to stuff chocolate in your shoes tomorrow! smiley - brave

Have some on me! smiley - chocsmiley - choc

My hat it has three corners...

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, that's not till the 6th. But tomorrow is Sinterklaas smiley - blue

My hat it has three corners...

Post 9


smiley - cuddle Memories, hmm?

My hat it has three corners...

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes smiley - sigh Seriously, I get the urge to phone him more now than I did when he was alive!

My hat it has three corners...

Post 11


I makes you sad, when you remember the wee things you never thought much about at the time.

You know the tropical houses in town? Sometimes when I'm there I can "phone him" without phoning him, if you know what I mean. I can look at something he made and talk to him. (Don't worry it's not going to get religious here!)

And the best bit is that he can't answer me now. smiley - laugh

My hat it has three corners...

Post 12


Just noticed the tag-line, are you feeling jaded?

My hat it has three corners...

Post 13

Malabarista - now with added pony

Of course smiley - laugh But that was to be expected.

Sorry, missed your earlier reply here smiley - cdouble

My hat it has three corners...

Post 14


I think it can be the most thankless task of all on the site sometimes. But they are appreciated. smiley - smooch

My hat it has three corners...

Post 15


I sent you an email about Manchester - you can disregard it. Doesn't look like I'll be going now, anyway. smiley - sadface

My hat it has three corners...

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - doh And I only just found it, too!

Why aren't you going? smiley - sadface

My hat it has three corners...

Post 17


I have to go in for a service on the Friday. smiley - laugh

So I'm not sure if it'll be practical...

My hat it has three corners...

Post 18

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oil change?

I know Bea is flying late on the Friday, but if it's too much hassle, Pastey is also trying to set up Skype to talk to the people who can't come smiley - laugh

My hat it has three corners...

Post 19


Yeah, need my catalytic converter tweaked. smiley - laugh

Hey, look what I found. Some songs don't die, they just keep getting re-born. smiley - laugh

My hat it has three corners...

Post 20

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I clicked on it, against my better judgement... Pity it doesn't have Arabic lyrics, we could agree on those. smiley - whistle

(Yarreau says you have too much time on your hands, looking for stuff like that smiley - tongueout)

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