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psychocandy-moderation team leader Started conversation Mar 25, 2011
Hi there!
I'm stopping by because I've had less and less presence on hootoo in recent months. For quite some time, the only thing keeping me here is wanting to stay in contact with specific people, of whom you are one.
Now with recent circumstances, I could probably manage a bit more time, but as only you and Happy Nerd have commented on my recent journal (and I have heard from Sho, Bel and Ictoan off hootoo), I really don't see all that much point. I'm already feeling too downtrodden and rejected to be even more ignored.
Seriously, though, what I wanted to do was extend an offer to be in some sort of contact off hootoo should my activity level here dwindle. I'm disinclined to write journals much these days but have tried to check in regularly, if not daily, to see what friends are up to. I can't say I'll always be in the mood for that, for a while.
Anyway if you would like to, feel free to have my email addy. wyrdsister23 is my handle, and I am at hotmail. I'm also on facebook but that's about it... no blogs or anything like that. I don't like writing that much!
PC stops by
KB Posted Mar 26, 2011
Sure, I'd definitely like to keep in touch.
Don't feel too bad about the journal, though. I'm sure people just haven't got around to replying yet (and I see it's attracted a juggler now too - all good journals need a juggler!)
I'll dash you off a wee email tonight just so you have my email address.
PC stops by
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 28, 2011
I'm not feeling too bad, really, about the journal (or the ones before either). Just a bit of distancing from the site that's been coming on gradually for some time now. And if I manage to find another job any time soon, I may not have down time there like I sometimes did at the old job so weaning myself off now might just be a good thing, anyway.
For the time being, though, I'll just see where my moods take me.
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