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Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 61


smiley - ok Fair enough. I'll have a stab in the dark.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 62

Malabarista - now with added pony

Tell me if you do find any interesting ones.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 63


Looking at "Gift", about a Bremen poisoner in the late-19th Century. Crime stories aren't really my thing, but there are some good reviews of the artwork...

Or I might just go for Lewis Trondheim. Or have a punt on M. Sfar. Those two are often worth a look.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 64


Sorry I missed you today. I can do tomorrow if you like. Depends whether you feel like a trek into town again, I suppose. Or I could meet you later closer to home if that's better.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 65

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh That was a little complicated. Sorry.

I suppose I need a haircut, and still haven't found a coat smiley - rolleyes, so another trek might be in order. But I have to be in Downpatrick in the evening.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 66


What time, then?

Downpatrick? What's going on down there?

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 67

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sorry, I am not awake enough to think smiley - cdouble Let alone make decisions!

Just meeting a friend there. smiley - ok She wants me to join her D&D group...

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 68


Ok. Let me know when you're awake. smiley - tongueout

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 69

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Will do. I'm off to bed in a moment.

(I jumped for the first time today. Wheee! smiley - ponysmiley - boing)

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 70


Is 12.30 ok? It's just that if you can't make it I can at least make other arrangements if I know. smiley - ok

smiley - wow Good stuff. How was the buzz? smiley - biggrin

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 71

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sorry, I meant to tell you I had to dash off, but my mobile died on me! smiley - doh

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 72


smiley - laugh No it didn't.

Your excuses are so...cute. smiley - rofl

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 73

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm not even going to bother replying to that. Go be rude to somebody else.

Lucky you've got a shield, then!

Post 74


Sorry, I was just teasing.

I hadn't really thought of meeting up again after that, though, so don't worry. smiley - ok

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