This is the Message Centre for KB

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Hello KB, Opti here.

I was just curious as to whether or not you would like to take part in an interview for smiley - thepost like Lil did. My thought being that it would be based on being a volunteer community artist. I asked Mala but she's got little time on her hands at present, due to packing, so I wondered if you'd like to do it instead. If you don't want to that's fine, just thought it would be a nice way of introducing people to the vounteer group that's all.

Best Wishes

Opti smiley - bluebutterfly

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 2


What, you mean rip away my veil of mystery? smiley - yikes

Sure, I don't mind. If you want to do it by email you should be able to find mine through the group. smiley - ok

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 3

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

*giggle* smiley - smiley

I'm sure there'll still be some mystery left smiley - smiley

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I've just sent a test mesage to see whether you are hearing me loud and clear. I can only see your address in part (not full).

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 5

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Right sent it off to smiley - thepostsmiley - smiley It may not appear until a couple of weeks time though. smiley - sorry

This week I have a piece on my own
Next time dmitri and me interview
Third you and me

Please don't be too dissapointed.

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 6


Oh, no worries. I was just concerned that I wouldn't have it back to you for the deadline, but if it's for a future issue that's not a problem then. smiley - ok

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 7


Opti, have you thought of trying to illustrate any of your entries?

You have one which will soon be on the Front Page - and it would make a good picture if you wanted to have a go!

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 8

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups


Thank you for the idea but at present I have been thinking of cutting down on the stuff I have been doing for h2g2. I'm running out of steam and it's feeling like work rather than play.

Opti smiley - bluebutterfly

Hello KB, Opti here

Post 9


I'm sorry to hear that you you've been running out of steam. smiley - tea

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