I am me or E.M.
I want to live in a tree but I am currently stuck in Valparaiso Indiana.
I was born in Pembrokeshire, so I am along way from home.
I am this height and my eyes are the blue colour and my hair normally is brown unless its red. My hair is also very very short so I am quite glad I am a long way from home as my family want to kill me over it.
I am pretty sure I am married but sometimes my husband dissapears for a while. He calls it work, I call it geeking out.
We have no sproglets yet but will sometime I am sure.
WEll that is E.M

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ace's welcome marvel! Jun 29, 2007


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ace's welcome marvel! No Posting Jun 29, 2007
I did it Jun 29, 2007 No Replies


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