This is the Message Centre for black thighboots

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 41

black thighboots

A quick hello then off home for the weekend

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 42


Hi there, hope you have a good w/e then, smiley - smiley

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 43

black thighboots

Thanks you up to anything special

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 44


Not a lot, I'll be getting some of the decorating materials in ready for when the housing folk finish the work off next week. Have some furniture and stuff to move about and cover up ready for the plasterers who start on Monday. other than that just HooToo and other pc stuff.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 45

black thighboots

Ugh I hate decorating might just get dressed up and go out to night

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 46


I don't mind painting and varnishing, just don't get me to wallpaper!! smiley - biggrin Hate that job, never do it.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 47

black thighboots

do you think i should dress outrageously to night

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 48


err depends where you're going I suppose. All I'll say is whatever, be safe. smiley - ok

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 49

black thighboots

Always safe hun something in leather perhaps

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 50


Hmm, you do seem to like the more 'glamorous' to 'startling' style of dress don't you? Not for the male species either I gather? smiley - winkeye

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 51

black thighboots

Yes I do like to show my assets off to best effect and you are right does it bother you at all

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 52


No, not at all. Each to their own, I have other real life friends that are either gay, bi or lesbian, so long as they don't try to 'impose' their beliefs then I have no problem.Doesn't make you a 'bad' person to know does it? Nor is it a bar to chat.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 53

black thighboots

I think that was supposed to be nice
sont worry I have no agenda to follow and am deffinately none scene

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 54


Sorry if that appeared not 'nice', basically all I was trying to say is it doesn't matter ok?

I can be somewhat clumsy in writing stuff at times. Sorry about that.smiley - erm

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 55

black thighboots

No problems hun

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 56


You have a good time whatever you decide to wear, I'm sure you will. smiley - smiley

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 57

black thighboots

I will certainly try to be good lol

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 58

black thighboots

Morning how are you to day

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 59

black thighboots


Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 60


err, evening, sorry about delay in replying, real life interfereing with hootoo time. I've updated my journal, you'll see what I mean then.

Hope you're well.smiley - smiley

smiley - cat

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