This is the Message Centre for black thighboots

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 21


When i did my hill walking/climbing I did so in winter and summer so weather wasn't an issue, just a challenge. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 22

black thighboots

but when you get back to the tent and you are soaked you have nowhere to dry anything and it does get to you after a week of it.You cant sit outside of an evening with a glass and just relax watching the world go buy

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 23


Hmmm, must confess I did upgrade to a caravan towards the end of my annual excursions but still used a tent on overnite treks.The caravan allowed a bit more comfort have to say. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 24

black thighboots

cant get your boots dry in a tent

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 25


True but if you're on a decent site they usually have drying rooms. If you're out in the wilds then yes, gets difficult.

Well I'm off to do some reading so I'll catch you later,
Take care.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 26

black thighboots

Bye darling

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 27

black thighboots

good afternoon

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 28


Afternoon, wet and soggy here. smiley - erm

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 29

black thighboots

here too
where are you then

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 30


Midlands. We have several rivers converging in nearby town where I used to live. Just heard from friends, they've been evacuated along with 25 other families in the village. Also an old folks home is at risk. Bit grim all round really.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 31

black thighboots

yes its awful just seen that two people have died

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 32


Yes, seems they used a generator without adequate ventilation.Condolences all round me thinks. smiley - sadface

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 33

black thighboots

very much so
what are you up to to day then

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 34


Not a lot now. Done what needed doing, picked bit shopping up on way home so it's feet up time now.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 35

black thighboots

at work again
hoping to go walking this weekend though

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 36


Well be safe with the walking as the forecast isn't good especially for sunday.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 37

black thighboots

only going low level somewhere in the peak district

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 38


Nice area, have done quite a bit of walking there myself in the past.

smiley - cat

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 39

black thighboots

its the nearest place to me very flat round here

Hello from ST - The Pussycat

Post 40


I'm only 90 minutes from North Wales, 30 minutes to Derby Dales so had plenty of choice.
Used to spend 6 weeks at a time in Scotland for my more serious stuff when I was working and fit so to speak.

smiley - cat

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