This is the Message Centre for Nephew Who

Welcome to h2g2, Newphew Who!

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hello again! This is your official welcome to h2g2. If you haven't already sussed out how to get around the site, pull up a chair and sip on your Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster while I let you in on the weird and wonderful world of 'hootoo' smiley - bubbly

I see you've changed your name from your Researcher number (your unique ID), but if you want to amend it in any way, simply click Preferences on the menu tab and invent away - but keep it clean! Now, your User Space is next - this is your 'home' on h2g2 where you get to tell people about yourself by either using plain text or Guide ML - the Guide's very own markup language and looks much better when filled with stuff about you instead of 'we're sure they'll write something soon' smiley - winkeye

Maybe I'm just lazy, but I hate bombarding people with too much information in one go so I have compiled a page of useful information at A811874 for you to peruse at your own leisure, which I hope you find to be of some use to you. But if you do have any more questions or queries, smiley - dontpanic - simply click Reply at the bottom of this message or leave me another message on my Personal Space and I'll be more than happy to help smiley - biggrin

Welcome to h2g2, Newphew Who!

Post 2

Nephew Who

Nephew Who talking by himself
>I see you've changed your name from your Researcher number
>(your unique ID)
is still nonsense, I have never been 'Researcher 876526'

I can know as I jumped on the < <./>UserDetails</.> > button before I was transferred to < <./>welcome</.> > (as well as the < U876526 > by the way to post the 'no acing needed' post... )

The first thing a new user should do is change his nickname to change it from the login name. Well, there are discussions about the security with the six (required minimum) characters for the password.

Oh yes, I still got a fully decorated tardis in 'Traveller's basement.smiley - smiley "

Traveller in Time smiley - tit measuring the Personal Space
"I can design some weird effects for you. Do you have some code for it Nephew?"

Welcome to h2g2, Newphew Who!

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

So this isn't actually a new user then. It's you, Tit.

Welcome to h2g2, Newphew Who!

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven


(No, that wasn't a deliberate mistake)

Welcome to h2g2, Newphew Who!

Post 5

Nephew Who

Nephew Who dragging some cables from < U228046 >
"As you could have noticed by the 'no ACE needed...'.

Anyway I may not be a good talker, but I am a programmer, so I may have some feeling in the technique behind it. smiley - geek
And I may be a newbee in your eyes but many many dark hours of browsing and reading loads of backlog has given me a firm idea of where and what. smiley - online2longer smiley - tongueout

Oh yes, we both want this site only getting better and more sticky. Hence my comment on your ACEings.
As creating an extra account showed me, the login name is also the default Nick Name. Addressing the user by the name before they got the chance to change it is a security breach.

The user numbers only reappear if the user blanks the Nickname field in < <./>UserDetails</.> >.

Yes I keep nagging about it until you either change it or give me proof I am wrong. It is in the best of interest for the site that newbees are treated well. "

Welcome to h2g2, Nephew Who!

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Okay. I've changed my ACE greeting. Normally, I'd have thanked you for pointing that out to me, but to be honest I think you need to be less cryptic in your posts so people can actually understand what you are trying to say.

So now we've both had our say, can we call a truce?

Welcome to h2g2, Nephew Who!

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven


"It is in the best of interest for the site that newbees are treated well"

I hope you're not implying I don't treat new researchers badly?

Welcome to h2g2, Nephew Who!

Post 8

Nephew Who

Nephew Who rebooting another system
"Hang on, ..

I like your kind of ACEing much better then some dull listings you see.

Some returning Researchers:
< U197105 >
< U191382 >
< U222054 >
smiley - biggrin

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