This is the Message Centre for Beth [h2g2]

I'm Bi-directional

Post 1


Hiya Beth!

I see that you've received the dubious honor of working on my entry 'Time: A Bi-directional Dimension'.

I don't envy your having to tackle this. I just hope you either enjoy it, or that I've made the editing as minimally necessary as I could.

Let me know if you have any questions, queries, concerns, etc.!

Glad to be workin' with ya,
smiley - towel

I'm Bi-directional

Post 2

Beth [h2g2]

Hi Fords,

Not dubious - *great* honour! To be honest it must have my name attached cos I recommended it from the Scouts to be subbed. So I'm not actually working on it at the mo, though may end up editing it in the final process. It's been a great read so far!!

smiley - cappuccino

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