Journal Entries

Back on track....

Sorry everyone, my adoring fans, if you have missed me. I've been holidaying in Byron Bay and Surfers' Paradise on the Gold Coast in Australia. I will soon be back writing. Just thought I'd let you know...

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2004


.....or something like that! It's so confusing, being in a new country (I'm on a GAP year in Australia) but I feel like I just made things even more confusing by signing up to try and help out with the Guide! There seems to be so much to do, so many things I could or should do and so many things I don't think I could possibly do! Lots of ideas, all of them probably taken already. Ho hum....anyone know where I can get a decent cup of tea around here?smiley - tea

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2004

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