Greetings and salutations, Earthlings!

Being a being made of the end-products of a star's birth, and therefore not from here, (as truly none of us are,) it is lovely to be here. What a fine planet, such fascinating diversity of phylum, genus and species we are amongst, and every day and night there seem to be infinitely improbable things happening just about everywhere. Try the sushi, it is fabulous! As a wanderer through life, an observer of the general goings-on of the species homo sapiens, friend of dog, part-time philosopher and gainfully employed heckler working in the fascinating area of research, I am often astounded and perplexed by the other inhabitants of this planet. A thinker of Deep Thoughts, seeking meaning in the Ultimate Answer, I sincerely seek solace in swapping snippets with the other sentients here. It is good to be here. It is good to be anywhere! And remember, change is the only constant in the Universe.


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