Mr Kibbles

Mr kibbles is many things, but mostly he is me. A few things people should know abut me are; for one, even though the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is fake I still carry a towel around with me, in honor of Douglas Adams's genius mind(plus they're useful ok). Whether its hanging out of a pocket, or in my bag it's there. Another thing is, I can't live without my hat. You will rarely see me without it even if im not wearing it. It's pale green, with two dark green patches on it, it has metal studs around the top, and one side is coverd in green quarderoy(i think i spelled that wrong). My birthday is August 5, 1992(do the math if you want to find my age), and I am white. I was born and raised in America, but I am proud to say that my family tree, on my father's side, traces back to Scotland. I'm Scottish and Irish(irish from moms side of the family).

My personality is outgoing, and I am a musician. I've been playing guitar for about five years(electreic and acoustic). Also I like people that appreciate a sense of humor, and a sense of freedom. My religion is agnostic. And for those who dont know, that means no religion chosen or appreciated. When i was a small child I was a believer like my mom(dad is agnostic too). Not a single prayer was answered, so I find it difficult to beleive in him. Most of the time i dont. And finally, like most researchers for the guide, my motto is dontpanic


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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