Hey, where am I?

About me. I'm 32. No, I'm 33. A little absent minded when it comes to trivial details, as you can see. Possibly due to the brain-numbing effects of having 5 children and a partner. Cup of tea?! WHAT cup of tea?! You never asked for one.

I'm interested in everything. Potentially. But especially in cooking, extra especially in baking - the best kind of experiment, one where you get to eat the results - reading almost anything, including dictionaries, and the yellow pages in desparate moments, history, etymology (did I spell that right?), linguistics, alternative medicine, astrology, sewing, psychology and too many others to mention.

Best described as - mercurial. I am a Cancerian after all, more changeable than any other sign. I am Cancerian alright, but with a hint of Virgo and a dash of Aquarius.

Did I mention I have 5 children? I could do with a few more hours in a day, I tell you.

Anyway, that'll do, the kids are about to stage a full scale revolt if I don't hurry up and get their breakfast.

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jadedfool, you've been ACE'd Aug 26, 2004


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jadedfool - champion of cake

Researcher U848100


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