This is the Message Centre for Sarge

Hi Sarge

Post 1

Mark Pettifer

you might like thiese if you have not already seen them - this is but one story written as flashes - the story imspired by the flash titles - I hope you enjoy it if you have the time - commetns greetfully sort

chher Mark

smiley - magic

‘John the Watchman’ – the complete tale so far – pre-edit

1 - A2532043 16 - A2598744* 31 - A2649314 46 -A2703278 62 - A2770959
2 - A2546949 17 - A2603323 32 - A2653364 47 - A2707148
3 - A2551934 18 - A2607473 33 - A2656316 48 - A2711512
4 - A2555534 19 - A2611414 34 - A2660474 49 - A2715644
5 - A2559530 20 - A2614132 35 - A2663408 50 - A2723087
6 - A2562824 21 - A2616536 36 - A2667044 51 - A2725797
7 - A2567342 22 - A2619515 37 - A2669619 52 - A2731826
8 - A2572823 23 - A2624285 38 - A2672895 54 - A2735174
9 - A2578296 24 - A2627930 39 - A2675937 55 - A2738045
10 -A2583263 25 - A2631836 40 - A2678628 56 - A2752670
11 - A2587368 26 - A2635003 41 - A2680517 57 - A2757044
12 - A2590094 27 - A2637290 42 - A2683145 58 - A2757756
13 - A2592272 28 - A2639720 43 - A2688843 59 - A2759457
14 - A2593145 29 - A2642500 44 – A2694008 60 - A2762499
15 - A2594874 30 - A2646542 45 -A2699184 61 - A2767359

* - needs some attention

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