This is the Message Centre for marnoult
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GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } Started conversation Apr 19, 2007
Success - have a look.
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GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } Posted Apr 23, 2007
You must be away, hope you are OK!
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marnoult Posted Apr 24, 2007
Yes, sorry, Grumpy, I was granny-sitting for friends who wanted a break!Back now so where is this 8th Wonder?
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GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } Posted Apr 24, 2007
'Baby Boomer's Club'- A21892142
I hope it is OK - I have started a couple of conversations - very slow au moment, but we have three members beside ourselves.
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marnoult Posted Apr 24, 2007
As I said on one, "rationing" I think, there seem to be several threads on the one, how do we get them all on to the BB C?
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marnoult Posted Apr 24, 2007
Sorry, badly put! Wouldn't it be better to just direct everyone to BB C? As it is, there seem to be different subects in the main one, whereas they're all welcome under the BB C title?
(BTW there's a grammatical error on the front page, where you probably shortened the text? "swinging" should be "swing"
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GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } Posted Apr 24, 2007
We can't stop different conversations being started under the BB-C banner, so like other clubs I wondered if it was better to initiate conversations which relate to being a 'Boomer'
Fixed the swing.
Key: Complain about this post
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- 1: GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } (Apr 19, 2007)
- 2: GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } (Apr 23, 2007)
- 3: marnoult (Apr 24, 2007)
- 4: GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } (Apr 24, 2007)
- 5: marnoult (Apr 24, 2007)
- 6: marnoult (Apr 24, 2007)
- 7: GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations } (Apr 24, 2007)
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