This is the Message Centre for angusrobbie

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Post 1


Thanks for reading/reviewing my 'poem'; the more you do the more likely others will read yours. I'm not too good at using the site; and it was 3 'friends' who told me I was the (first) Star Profile in GW's Newsletter (I didn't even know it existed).

As I said, I've had to start (well, soon) on Part 3 of 'The Tattered Dressing Gown' as my 'friends' are now expecting me to continue; but I had finished. The story is set in WW2 occupied Vienna. Wow, and I'm a woman! However, I don't stick to a particular genre/style, but I'm partial to murder/thriller/military stuff. If you wish to peruse my work (click on my name wherever you see it), please have a look in my portfolio's bottom right 'My Latest Works'. Sometimes it may appear that no-one's reviewed a piece, it's just that they've gone and placed it under a different subject heading or in the author's Message section.

I did read your two pieces a few days back, I'll place comments there.

Keep going.smiley - cheersBirbeck

keep going.

Post 2


thanks for reply, i think its women who are more able to comment on the war as they were the ones left behind. but of coursesmiley - bubbly a genuine interest is not unusual. do you enjoy writing? i think its a condition some people have, and have no control over. i know i dont, it just happens.

keep going.

Post 3


thanks for reply, i think its women who are more able to comment on the war as they were the ones left behind. but of course a genuine interest is not unusual. do you enjoy writing? i think its a condition some people have, and have no control over. i know i dont, it just happens.smiley - bubbly

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