This is the Message Centre for Mr_Jeffers


Post 1


Aah . . . a friend. What a lovely warm feeling. Like not making it to the toilet.


Post 2


I would hope that our electronic meeting would be slightly nicer than some pants full of warm wee...

Maybe more like smiley - tea and smiley - cake

But not in one's pants. That would be far too eccentric.

Anyway, this place is rather grand. If only it had a babel fish...


Post 3


Hello Mr Watters (no more "Mr Sir" from me any more :p )

How's you? I believe we have a game of chess looming... are you free this week some time?

Mr Jeffrey.


Post 4


Mr Jeffrey Hello,

I don't think I did very well organising a leaving do for you. No bugger was in and was away friday night myself in the end, but we shall have to make sure you are informed for the next outing (who we shall be outing I'm not sure).

As for in person chess you'll be very lucky to catch me. I've already got band on Thursday night and drinkies with friend on Saturday night and then there's only a week before I'm off to Canada for a month odd. I'm a bit rubbish on that front for the forseeable. Theoretical chess is a little more likely.

Shall I set my board up? Do we have to know code? I do like a good code mind you. How's the search for purpose and meaning going?



Post 5


Heh heh, I read the word "outing" there as "ousting", leading me to imagine a mob of pitchfork-wielding prison staff evicting each other in permanent revolution... something I certainly wouldn't want to miss!

Virtual chess will not be possible til I've bought a literal chess set, though they seem to hide whenever I've looked for them in the shops. I'll have a look this afternoon. Perhaps some time next week a real game could be possible? Beer being an optional extra.

Purpose is taking on some sort of form - I am following up a number of leads in the worlds of museums, publishing and the BBC. So far it's been a lot more interesting than admin, albeit with even worse pay. Plenty of in-between time to get better at Mortal Kombat though smiley - winkeye

Are you playing a gig on Thursday, or is it composition and guitar-noodling? Hope the prisoners and underlings behaving themselves, say hello to all over there from me

smiley - smiley

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