Two erudite, sorted gay blokes who fled the Big City to semi-retire in Torquay (No Fawlty Towers gags, please, dear readers, we've heard them all, and you wouldn't BELIEVE how many of those hotel owners still exist here). We live in peace with a fabulous Victorian villa, an enormous selection of books, and a Plain chocolate English Longhair cat called Miss Jessica Phi Mew, Duchess of Chelston. We enjoy curry, Star Trek, good sci-fi, Jane Austen, Julian May and vacationing in hot, sunny relaxed places. Our brains spend most of their time above our waists and we do not believe that "fucking" is the only adjective in the English language. More shortly....
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
next word game | May 6, 2007 | 2 Weeks Ago |
Welcome from your ACE! | No Posting | May 6, 2007 |
QI - How do you tell the age of a whale? | May 6, 2007 | No Replies |
Gran Canaria! | May 6, 2007 | No Replies |
Silver cars | May 6, 2007 | No Replies |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."