This is the Message Centre for almaak - appalled by bad taste

Musicians' Guild

Post 1

Danny B

Hi almaak smiley - smiley

The Musicians' Guild can be found at U150368. If you'd like to become a member, go to the membership page (A43068) and post to the 'Join Here' thread (F53961?thread=103935&latest=1). I'll sign you up and you can display the wonderful Guild badge on your Personal Space smiley - ok

Danny B.

Musicians' Guild

Post 2

almaak - appalled by bad taste

wow, thank you! i love badges, really, i do smiley - biggrin

Musicians' Guild

Post 3

Danny B

In answer to your qustion about the Guitar Heroes project in the other thread, the finished article is at A3641799. Several people have posted to threads on the Entry (mainly telling me which guitarists I should have included!) so feel free to join in smiley - ok

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