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Religious Roulette

Post 21

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I remember thinking that! Poor aussies! all those spiders and crawley thingys... *shutter*
heh sorry midnight!
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 22

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

That's okay... if you're born and grow up in this country you kind of know what to do if you see a spider or a snake.
Scream and run away.
Actually - that's not what you do with snakes, because they don't have any ears so they hear through the vibrations in the ground, so if you run away, so will they - but you generally want them dead, so you just yell really loudly until someone comes with a shovel, creeps up and breaks it's back. At home, that's my dad smiley - biggrin

Religious Roulette

Post 23



Hey... my brothers away at boy scout camp! YAY!smiley - biggrin

Religious Roulette

Post 24

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Heh - my sister goes to Girl Guide camp sometimes...
But I'm never home anyway so it doesn't really matter, does it? smiley - biggrin

Religious Roulette

Post 25


I feel bad though.

Timmy was away for 10 days, up in Georga... he's only 11 and has never been away from home that long. The poor kid got bug bites all over him, got a cold, and got poison ive on every square inch of his body... yes even there.

At the camp it was wet, humid, hot, and muddy, let alone infestied with spiders and moskitos (which are huge here in FL... I mean HUGE! real big.) And we got a letter from him the other day saying, "please take me home! Help, I'm wet, and sick, and tiered, and home sick, and David Towers is picking on me!" We couln't do anything and I just wanted to beat up that David Towers kid.

Now I pictured David Towers to be some short stubby 11 year old jurk who I could just yell at and he'd go away. But when we picked up Timmy this afternoon I find out that he's not. He's my age and when he say me he said I looked "cute" which changed everything.... Yes thats right, instead of yelling at the kid and telling him to leave my brother alone... I decided I was going to go full out and kick his ass!

But then my brother started coughing up a storm and was about to itch himself raw, so we left in a hurry and I missed my chance. But next time... ooooohhh next time.......*evil laugh* Mr. David Towers is not gonna be able to sit down for a week.... *thoughtfully* hmm... apparently his Dad is a scout leader... *sly smile* I might "accedently" trip him down the stairs next scout meeting...

*gets a hold of herself*

Holy crap? Is this the same girl who tooka vow to be an only child wannabie? Crap... well I take it back... being the only one aloud to beat up your brother, and then be overly protective about that right is way to much fun! (don't worry, I'll take this all back tomorrow when timmy is feeling better and more hyper)

Religious Roulette

Post 26

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Oooh! I wanna beat up this David Towers dude too!!
I know what you mean - one minute you can love your siblings to bits and feel so protective of them, and the next you'd be ready to rip their heads off and use them for a football.

Religious Roulette

Post 27


yeah.. well then I felt even worse for him... aparently all that poison ive, wasn't poison ive... it was Chiggers... we tookhim to the dr. and they said he had these bugs that burrow under your skin and liqufy your skin cells. we had to wash him with ths toxic stuff... they wouldn't sell the whle dose because you could kill somebody with it.... so timmy didnn't get enouph toxic shampoo, so he still has it.. so they put him on sterpids! GAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! yeah i felt really bad for him... but then I had to sit next to him on the 9 hour plane flight here. *twich* sorry feeling gone.smiley - winkeye

Religious Roulette

Post 28

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

haha Im still an only child wannabe! I HATE my brother!
sorry I havent been on here for a while... no comp, Im at my aunts house in seattle and they have a comp so Im good
POOR FREDS BRO!!! Ofcorse... with that toxic shampoo... next time he goes to camp he should act like its expencive and have the bully kid take it from him and use it... MUAHAHA... maybe not
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 29

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Well I want to be an only child when I'm home, but then when I'm at school I miss my sisters...
Fred, give your brother a sistery hug from me if you're okay with going near his skin smiley - smiley

Religious Roulette

Post 30

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Haha, I pity you both! I LOVE it when my bro's away! But then again, your both the oldest arnt you? Or amI just high?
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 31

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

No, I'm the oldest child in my family.
A blessing in some ways and hell in otherssmiley - biggrin

Religious Roulette

Post 32

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I envy you!!!
I hate being the "baby"
wow its dark out here, I cant see!
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 33

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Hehe - I've always envied the youngest ones. But I guess it's the other way round too...
We always want what we're not, don't we?

Religious Roulette

Post 34

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Grass is greener... when your smoking it!
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 35

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

"Eat soap, smoke dope and fly home in a bubble."
Hehehe - not that I would, of course.
It's illegal.
Except in Amsterdam.

Religious Roulette

Post 36

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

are you serious? I knew I liked amsterdam for a reason...
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 37

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Yeah - I thought it was common knowledge.
That crap is all legal in Amsterdam.

Religious Roulette

Post 38

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

MAN! Some !^$@&^%$&!^%$@&%$!#@%$!#@& abducted a Nevada girl from the area around las vegas.... GRR! Nevada has been the safest state so far.... EFF!
fordsmiley - cheers

Religious Roulette

Post 39

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

smiley - sadface
Stuff like that happens everywhere, unfortuantely - Nevada or not...
It even happens in rural Australian towns like where I come from. Not often, but it happens.

Religious Roulette

Post 40

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

IK! its like... cmon people! its a little kid! WTF?!
fordsmiley - cheers

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Religious Roulette

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