This is the Message Centre for Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Hows life been treating you?

Post 1


Hi Jade

Just popping in for my bi annual annoying visit smiley - winkeye Good to see you still hanging around. smiley - ok Wheres life taking you these days?

Hows life been treating you?

Post 2

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Out of PLeasanton, it seems.

Lots of interesting things happening which started with the quitting of my job (which was/is LOVELY, thank you so much.)

I am heading back up to San Francisco the weekend after next (this is where I shall be moving to in the next year,) and it honestly can't come soon enough.

Why do I feel so weird when I am not there, Terran? What the HELL, man?

(How are you?)

Hows life been treating you?

Post 3


Why have I taken so long to respond? Why did I find you on a h2g2 2006 census, and only now decided to reply! Why, for heavens sake?!

Erm... smiley - grovel I must appologise, my life chronomoter has been flying somewhat irratically of late and so I talk utter crap a lot of the time, and have to do crap much of the rest of the time...

dum de dum... Okay so I'm slightly drunk, but who isn't eh?

So to answer your question : "Why do I feel so weird when I am not there, Terran? What the HELL, man?"

Erm... because you feel a kinship with the place a oneship? Are you Still there?

I actually went there on a tour of the USA to visit some relatives a couple of years ago and it was pretty amazing really. Probably my favourite bit of America. The only bit I've been to that I'd considered staying in. No offence to the other bits of America that I've been to, but it seems pretty good!

And to answer your other question, I'm much better than when I last posted, as I've had a few weeks off, and am now officially rested, and probably need to do some work... hmm... Thanks for asking! smiley - cheers

So since things have moved on so dramatically because of my mad irratic posting habits, I thought I'd ask yourself - well how the hell are you?


P.S. Have you heard YS' latest idea about the boe?

Hows life been treating you?

Post 4

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

I have not heard about ideas, because I tend to avoid the BoE thread these days.

Is there another, secret one I don't know about? If so please be kind enough to post it.

What's this about a h2g2 census? I seriously have no idea what you're on about.

I have not yet moved to San Francisco, but I still really really want to.

Hows life been treating you?

Post 5


Ah... I think I was very slightly drunk when I wrote this...

But there is a census of all the people who have posted this year... god knows where they found the time to do it... but they've done it... and we're on it apparently... I'll see if I can dig out the link.

And this Boe thing was something to do with Yankee-shoes, here I think : F106648?thread=229597&skip=1200&show=20#p38556672

Not a boe thread though...

I remember thinking San Francisco was a great place to be when I was over, seemed really... I dunno, like somewhere I could maybe live... other than where I do live, and maybe Cork in Ireland where a lot of my family live...

Hows life been treating you?

Post 6


Here's the census type thing that I was jabbering on about : A9436070

Hows life been treating you?

Post 7


BTW, what is it with the bear rolling! smiley - winkeye (yes I have been following links on your page! smiley - winkeye )

Funny though! Whats it from?

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