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Happy New Year Portly Potter

Post 1


smiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - bubbly

Hope you have a good one Fats, we are having a fairly sedate one as we have two markets this weekend. One is on New Years day, (this has been the go for 3 years now) still it is a fun day with lots of people, they have a duck race on the river. It is a bit of a swiz, 100's of plastic ducks are floated down the river, they are called as if it is a horse race..but last year we found out that they just pull the names out of the hat. Last year the winner was the local real estate guys son, the caller of the race is the local real estate agentsmiley - erm Happy New Year Fats!

smiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Portly Potter

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the past months. It's amazing how sparkly and sparky you are - full of energy.

I hope you have a lovely New Years Eve with hubby, puppy and goats. Hope the sun shines and that the breeze smells sweet. Hope 2005 brings you success on the job front, and with your craft fairs.

I know we only have 3 months left of GW - but I am going to try to keep writing etc. Have got a new textile design deadline for the 5th January - so should be busy from now till then - not able to write as much as I would like.

There seems to be lots of threads with people sniping at each other - can't see how this is going to get people anywhere. All we can do is be lively, ambitious, helpful and creative, and ignore the silly ego-centric snipers! Let's hope the New Year is a creative time for GW. Looking forward to the next 100 word challenge etc. Am hoping the next few months will be inspirational for future writing.

I was reading on another thread how your nose has been playing up. I used to have bad heyfever and asthma, but was told to take a spoonfull of local honey every day. I have done every since and my heyfever is now almost non-existant. I still get asthma though when I have a bad cold, and am around cats or dogs. Don't sneeze with the bunnies though.

Lots of love for the New Year!

smiley - bubblysmiley - oksmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - run

Happy New Year Portly Potter

Post 3


I have just go onto honey and cider vinegar fats, just seems to help relieve some of the pressure, but was hoping it would give me my taste back! If you try a course of vitamin A (cod liver oil tablets) E and C, take the amount recommended on the bottle I bet your asthma will be relieved..I tried it, it really does work..Got a book out of an Op Shop all about the benefits of vitamin A for asthma sufferers. The writer says you need to take the E and C as well to get the maximum benefits...

Fg, I have enjoyed your company and your droll sense of fun and good sense of the ridiculous. I have appreciated your friendship and your support and encouragement with writing. I hate to think of the site closing, as it is really a good sense of community for me, however I have joined Spider's Big Red Sofa, and I would urge you to do so, she left the link on the ramble thread a little bit back. I figure Spidey is fair minded and is a great initiator of writing hopefully I will see you on the couch (sofa)...Lots of best wishes to you too Fats, with the teaching endeavors and your textiles, and your writing. I am going to continue my book next week (not very far into it)...if I haven't started you have got my permission to give me a swift kick up the monitorsmiley - biggrin I wish you a great start to the new Year Fats and to your hubby and little Stanley and the bunnies, catch you in 2005 love, Serin smiley - rosesmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Portly Potter

Post 4

the fat gardener

A big firework coming your way from the top of our hill!....HAPPY NEW YEAR...hope it's a brilliant one.

I've started the First 2 Para's Group this morning - hope you want to take part - would you consider being an owner? I'd like it to be run like a round table with quite a few owners - so there's always someone around to accept and welcome new members.

Hope it doesn't encroach on Spidey's wonderful 100 word challenge - it is based on an idea from her, and she said it would be good to go ahead.

I have put details of the group in a journal entry and am hoping this means it gets sent to all the people I've added to my list of contacts. Did it arrive in your portfolio?

Lots of love, The Fatter Gardener smiley - porkpie

Happy New Year To the more Portlier Potter

Post 5


Hi FG, I am the same way feeling very rotund ant! Yes I would be happy to fulfill an owner role. I think the idea is a great one and would be happy to support it. I really need to get on with writing and will spend some time to tomorrow with my story. Things like the types of activities that you are starting have to be positive in the area of stimulating ideas and motivation, I am sure they are to me anyway. Just let me know the dates you want to get started Fats, lots of love and best wishes, Serin smiley - dog

Happy New Year To the more Portlier Potter

Post 6

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

I posted the group first thing, New Year's Day, while feeling a bit under the weather. Hope it all makes sense, when you read the group outline.

Am really, really pleased you would like to be a member and owner.

Just find the 'First 2 Para's Group', under groups, or at the bottom of my portfolio, click on apply for membership, and as soon as I find it I'll make you a member, and an owner.

Flame of Gold has already signed up. No-one else, but it's early days yet.

I have started a thread called the First Two Para's Challenge - with the first challenge deadline on the 10th January.

I've got a design deadline for the 5th Jan - but hope to post up my entry soon after that.

Any ideas you have to make it all more fun would be appreciated. I was thinking of having a thread about synopsis writing, for example. Thought we could post up any interesting articles we find etc.

smiley - cheersFats.

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