This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Hi Fats

Post 1


Bit difficult for me Fats just recieved your email but now you have told me about the account..not sure what to I can say..why don't you start an account with your gw name and unrevieled password..may help with your privacy...I will await your answer before I reply to your recent message...all the best Fats, Serinsmiley - hug

Hi Fats

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

You can say anything there. There is nothing I could say that I shouldn't say to Mrs FG but sometimes you have to let off steam and it wouldn't be tactful in front of him. He is unlikely to read my mail, but he could. It will be like conversations I have with our friends here, who are both of our friends.

Sorry, didn't mean to make it tricky.

Just a quicky - off to lunch!

Hi Fats

Post 3


Hi fg I noticed you were on line..I have had a extremely long day..first thing at my placement I had a session for training...then I went and did two hours work with my college on a survey...can't believe for two hours work the amount of forms they want me to fill out to get paid...I joked about it but the lecturer was not seeing the funny side...I mean it's about all of 12 quid your money...bloody hell they want tax file numbers and bank accounts....I said sarcastically why don't you give it to a charity...thought it was a bit much...any way I am having to go to bed now fats it is 12.40 am and I have a forum on housing to attend tommorrow then back at the survey for 2 hours...catch you soon and I think you said above that I can talk freely to you on matters of relationships is that rightsmiley - cheersNight night Serin

Hi Fats

Post 4

the fat gardener

Hi Serin,

hope you're not too tired. Yes you can email me about anything. I've sent you 2 pictures of my designs. Files are a bit big - so hope they don't clog up your system.

smiley - cheersFG

Hi Fats

Post 5


Sorry Fats have been tryin to open the files you sent me but no can do...and I have got the first quater and that has made me really curios to see the rest could you please try again..Off to Forum today which is a nice change of pace for me..8.05am so better motorsmiley - runsmiley - oksmiley - hugSerin

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