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Critique of Critiques

Post 1


I think we know each other well enough for me to say this, I was taken aback a bit about this comment from You:

Particularly about other people real opinions. IMO Writing styles and the appreciation of them are very subjective. Some of the comments about my stuff I take on board and some I don't. Do you think I make up my comments to you? Well I don't. What I say really is what I feel. Maybe you think that no-one can like your stuff just as you wrote it..well I am afraid that is not my opinion or my issue. I am very capable of tactfully giving constructive critiques and advice when I spot something I don't like. If you look at my comment to Kate on her poem you will see this, I have done it to others, even to Pen Jen and I really love her original and awesome talent.I am without a doubt new to the game, but I know what I like, and your style appeals to me the way you take ordinary everday experiences and make them potent...if you can't stand someone relating to your work...maybe you should lower your standards...If you can then revel in the fact that you have talent...a lot would be grateful of it. I will however tell you if and when I don't relate or understand it or like it, it just has not happened.


Critique of Critiques

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

I'm sorry if I upset you. It wasn't a comment on your critiques of my work, or of anyone elses. I was just praising the way it seemed that constructive critisisms had been given, received and acted on.

Perhaps I chose my words wrongly with the words "real opinions" - I wasn't suggesting that you hadn't given your real opinions before. I'm sure you have. I'm really sorry if you thought that was what I had implied.

I have been very fortified by your comments supporting my ability to write- and believe me, I need them. I am quite unconfident as I haven't done a great deal of writing, and am still finding my voice. What can I say but that anything you have to say will always be valuable to me.

Also I do value you as a friend, and I'm glad you can contact me with something that has bothered you. I think I recently upset someone else who seems like a nice person, with an ordinarily mundane reply about stars in Europe being quite bright in some unpopulated areas, I think I must have hit a raw nerve unwittingly.

I agree with what you say above about taking some comments on board and not others. I know you have to consider each comment and weigh up how it fits in with what you are trying to achieve.

I suppose I fear that sometimes what I write might be a bit boring. I also worry about standard stuff such as flow, and sentence style. I just look forward to any critisisms that would help me improve.

Sorry again if I have upset you. Slap me with a wet smiley - fish if I put my big wellies in it.

smiley - cheerup Fats.

Critique of Critiques

Post 3


No Worries at all Fg. I do understand, it is easy to make small mistakes posting a word in a slightly wrong context and then it is locked in to a different meaning/or more exaggerated meaning altogether..good fun all this writing yah can get into the do do more than you can in talking..mind you I am equally quick to put my foot in it talking. As regards what you said about how things panned out for me and the critiques I recieved with my stuff..the Aunt Mabel poem was a bit confusing initially, partly because I posted it when I was on a wine binge.smiley - tongueout It was Friday night and I was winding down from the week at my placement and just went for it. So why I am saying this is to let you know that there was obvious confusions with a bit of it..that were easy to pick up and fix. Maybe your pieces don't have that obvious flaws Fats! But I do understand what you mean about constructive help. I do think you have to take some credit in the fact that your stuff is not forced and it really flows. Maybe if YOU think your work might be boring..I don't happen to agree, and by the sounds of it not many do, then challenge yourself to write away from some of your usual imagery...although I will miss your references to nature and emotions..I think that is what I can relate to in your poems as I live in a gorgeous spot fats, after living in rowdy cities all my life. Well we have got a mini crisis talking about nature..a baby magpie has fallen out of it's nest and it's in the garden squaking.. it woke us up it's currently only 6.40 am on Sunday morn, been up since 6am. We have 4 cats and the Springer Spaniel pup..tricky juggling act ahead. My partner has tried to get the young one back in the tree but it just toppled out again..oh well ! nature is in charge..we will try again later. Well Fats I value you too as a friend. I find I have a good rapport with you and that is why I would feel comfortable addressing issues rather than stewing over them (not really my style that). Well I'm off back to kip for an hour. Catch you soon, glad we sorted it smiley - cheerssmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - ok Yah mate Serin

Critique of Critiques

Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Good to hear from you. Good luck with the baby magpie. I've never seen a baby one, though we have a few adults here.

I am thinking of sending a first chapter to a writing competition run by the Richard and Judy programme on ITV. The deadline is 15th October. I'll try to get details and post them in Int. Ramble Thread in case anyone would fancy entering.

I'll chat with you in the usual place.

smiley - oksmiley - cheerupsmiley - run

Critique of Critiques

Post 5

the fat gardener

Oops it's Channel 4 not ITV. Actually maybe it's a bad thing giving details of a rival television company.

Critique of Critiques

Post 6


Good luck with the competition FG..I don't think they would accept a Aussie entry..a lot of the comps on this site won't accept overseas enteries..still I have not got the time to give it at present. I have got a story I am plodding a long with have only just started and it is a lot of fun. However only early days yet. Catch you soon.smiley - hugSerin

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