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A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 1


Hi Birbeck,

My son has been enthused by seeing this site. He is 12 and of course he is not allowed to join or post. Is there a kids equivalent ?

If not, and if you get the time, could you please do me a big favour,
he has 2 stories up at :

They are both about Atlantis, could you review them and send him some comments - hopefully encouraging, but he surprises me with lost of useful stuff about action packed intros, adjectives and things - he is now my first reviewer.
Try [email protected], not the email address given on his story pages.

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 2


Hi there

I don't know if you're being kind or trying to make me suffer even more than I am now; I am so tired & I've had an eye infection. However, I shall read Jonathan's(?) stuff by Tuesday (going to a barbie on Bank Hol Mon), and will ask my daughter, 15, to have a look too.

I've just had a search for children's writing sites, and found two recommended by BBC Wales - The School Gate(!) - (looks a good/easy to follow, and they give prizes, not sure if just in UK). Also, Kids on the Net (Main menu>Creative writing>stories). Then there is Kids News (journalistic style).

Must smiley - run Birbeck

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 3


Hi there

I've started reading Jonathan's, but it's typed in a small size, I may have to copy it over - my eyes, even with specs, are not too good close up.

So far, apart from acceptable typo errors for his 'then' age, it's rather good and pacey.

Will try and finish both later, but I'm rather busy today (a meeting to go to).

Must go to bed as it's 03.05!
smiley - runBirbeck

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 4


Eternal gratitude - He is booked onto a writing class in the September school hols, he can understand professional feedback - bloody smart - he corrects everything I do if I let him.

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 5


Did you post ? I was wondering whether the '.au' was necessary. J doesn' seem to know.

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 6


I suppose you're all tucked up in bed. I've had J's copy sitting here since that night, I'm still reading it. Sorry it's taking so long, but I've been too busy to go on site or read anything else.

I send my apologies to J. Busy doing some work just now, & going out soon, but will read later. Swear!

Good day! Birbeck

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 7


I'm in Townsville today - a city on the East coast of Australia, not back home for 3 days. I appreciate your time for J. Read your stories btw

A small extra-curricular review ?

Post 8


Hi Birbeck, see comments in mine re Jono's stories. Thanks for your time. I have a new 'passionless' story that I would greatly value your review on (A2994087). Looking forward to part 3 of the dressing gown. Hope your eyes are holding up well. smiley - cheerup

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