This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Are you avoiding me?

Post 1


Congratulations on your elevation to the elite! I don't know how you find the time, reading between the lines of your Profile! Well done.
Left you a response 4 days ago. Have you seen it?

au 'voir


Are you avoiding me?

Post 2


Forgot to add: Have a look at handsomejesus's stuff. Tell me it isn't powerful! (the prose I mean - I can't judge the peotry).


Are you avoiding me?

Post 3


I've just got in from having an Indian (wasn't much meat on him!) with my daughters & ex to celebrate my 50th.

Avoiding you? Why should I? Anyway, I don't know what you wanted me to reply to, please say? How do you know about the Star Profile?

I will have a read of this handsomejesus' stuff, and get back to you.

The Honourable Birbecksmiley - biggrin

Are you avoiding me?

Post 4


I hope you all enjoyed your spicy special occasion. You mentioned the ex, which suggests it was a happy, friendly event.
Four days ago I replied to your "You're a honest sort of chap". Have a look.
The Star Profile was accessed via "Competitions" and then Issue 23 of the Newsletter, which I am now subscribing to. All part of the incredible labyrinths of this site, which occasionally drive me nuts. Maybe the "New Look" they keep referring to for next month will simplify matters, though some contributors are afraid they will be axed through being lower rated, workwise.


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