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Hello Birbeck

Post 1


Yes, i think you can call yourself a writer.

Can I just say "thanks:" thanks for asking me (amongst others) to read part 2 of your gripping story "THE TATTERED DRESSING GOWN." What do I say? Well, I think you have produced a marvellous story. Had me hooked from beginning to end. There's not a word out of place; everything flows; the characters are real/believable. You obviously put in a good deal of time and effort (research, I suppose) on this one. Yep, I love it. Like I say, a marvellous read. Be interesting to see what you now do with said story....


PS Have a great birthday next Wed. Many happy returns, my friend.

So kind

Post 2


Just had a look at the site - and you've made my day; it's been rather stressful. The comments (which are all over the place) have not been too bad, but yours is truly the most flattering.

Yes, it was difficult to write but I will continue with Joachim. I know little about Germany/Austria. However, I have an interest in the period, I did read British History/Empire & American History (& Politics!) (I've got a short one set in occupied Paris). I'll put a little light relief on (set in the '50s) before I escape London.

Last week I asked you 'what are you on?' I can't understand some of your 'poems'.

Thanks.smiley - cheersBirbeck

So kind

Post 3


Hello Birbeck

What am I on? I aint on anything. My poems are lousy! Is that what you mean? Anyway, enough of that. Yeah, like I say, I really have enjoyed reading parts 1 & 2 of your story "THE TATTERED DRESSING GOWN" - Brings to mind a favourite film of mine "THE THIRD MAN" everytime I read it. You know, the Orson Wells film. Well anyway, I really think you have something here....

Interested to read your "Paris" story, so post it on here why dont you?

For a while now I've toyed with the idea of writing a story - most probably a short story - set in Paris during WW2. Yeah, it's about Picasso, who I believe must've collaborated with the germans - he must have done - I mean I cannot believe he stayed in Paris throughout WW2, and continued to work etc, without coming to some kind of "arrangement" with the germans. But there you go. Whether or not I actually complete said story is another thing altogether.

Take care
Guy (David)

So kind

Post 4


No, they're not lousy, they are probably like lots of Picasso's paintings - interesting (but has it been hung the correct way up, sort of thing).

I think you should write about occupied Paris - it's an interesting period. What with Josephine Baker, the Vichy government, De Gaulle in England rallying the French to resist from the BBC's WS, etc & etc. Mine's only a short piece about one young woman, although it could go on as she will also be on the run - that happens when you kill a German officer.

Picasso sitting it out in Paris is one of those mysteries. But he did paint the anti-war Guernica. And his and others' works were seen as 'degenerate art', & bad for society. He was interviewed by the Nazis as they beieved him to be Jewish, but his fame made it difficult for them to do away with him, I suppose.

Almost forgot, it's one of my fave films too - I get shivers as soon as the music starts.

Must smiley - runBirbeck

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