This is the Message Centre for Birbeck


Post 1


Hi Birbeck,
Just wondering what you're up to. Its a rainy Sunday afternoon, hubby's dozing on the settee and kids are playing cards at the dining room table. I'm stuck in the study with my PC.
What ever happened to Terry Middleton - I thought that piece was really promising?

From sizzling London

Post 2


Well, I've just switched on the computer, so it was a pleasant surprise to get your message.

It's too hot in the City, probably about 26/8C (y'day was 30). Phoebe, my daughter and I have just had a break from putting laminated flooring in her bedroom (I've had the jigsaw out). I'm very weak and my glands around my jowl have ballooned (look like Quasi Modo).

I'm not sure what to do with Terry. I'll look and see what changes can be made, otherwise I'm done with him.

Part 2 of The Tattered Dressing Gown is on, but no one's bothered to read it! I was wondering if you'd all met up and gone away for the w/end!

I 'tried' reading a new writer's s/s, but it's abysmal (I think she's quite young, but that's no excuse). I don't really know what to say about it - it's A2900459 'Murdered at Midnight'. Please tell me what you think, could we give her any advice?

smiley - tea&smiley - cakeBirbeck

From sizzling London

Post 3


Hi Birbeck,
Glad you took a break from laying the floor. I have to admire you for attempting a job like that. I thought I was good doing the bathroom tiles but those wooden floors look too tricky for me.
I read the story and see what you mean. You don't want to say anything too harsh but it is repetitive and uninteresting.
As for the torn dressing gown I' will give myself a shake and look at it asap.
By the way I am off on hols tomorrow so I won't be about for a while.
Speak to you when I get back.
All the hairy chest. (made up cockney rhyming slang for very best!!!)
smiley - biggrin

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