Information Glut

My initial page consisted of ramblings regarding recent purchases. Months later I'm still pondering just what pithy, insightful bon mots I can put up for your review. Someday you may be blessed with those pearls. For now, mere expansion on my initial ramblings.

I'd still love music suggestions. New artists I've purchased recently include American Music Club, Barry Adamson, Ida, and Ry Cooder. My taste runs from Little Feet to Nick Cave to Ella Fitzgerald so feel free to weigh in.

Oh, must also add I've just recently discovered Dawn French. I am quite behind the times. Saw The Viacar of Dibley and am entranced. I've never paid for cable in my life, but have succumbed to the satellite dish's siren song. So happy with BBC America.

Author review

Steven Saylor hooked me with Roman Blood, the first in his Roma Sub Rosa series. A mystery series set in Ancient Rome, it follows Gordianus the Finder. The books include historical figures such as Cicero, Crassus, and Pompey. I'm not a big mystery fan; I seldom solve it on my own when every one around me talks about knowing whodunnit by page 47. Saylor has a knack for letting you solve little parts of the mystery, but still keeping you guessing until he puts the entire puzzle together.

The movie rights to the second book in the series, Arms of Nemesis have been purchased, a screenplay written, and now it languishes. I personally enjoyed Gladiator, but Mr. Saylor was disapointed in it, but does hope its success helps Arms of Nemesis. For the full review of Gladiator by a historian and author making his living off of Rome, see his webpage at

Requisite Personal Blurb

I'm across the pond from most of y'all, in Austin, Texas. I'm in the process of moving across town and once again cursing the number of books I have. Started a new job as a technical writer in March. Got a new officemate a few weeks ago. Among other things, I knew things would be fine when he didn't ask what the round thing with arms was floating around on my screen saver saying "Don't panic" and when with his other reference books he put up The Meaning of Liff.


I've had some friends express surprise over my lack of links since I tend to inundate them with suggested urls. For now, I'll just list a few predominantly news-related sites. provides international news and analysis. Their forecasts have been known to have global repurcussions.

The Chronicle of the Future brings "tomorrow's news today" as envisioned by various scientists and experts.

News Synthesis provides links to a variety of news including the latest wire stories as well as news sources such as think tanks.

The Federation of Amercian Scientists has "analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security."

Arts & Letters Daily has a variety of links to sites and stories covering everything from philosophy to gossip.

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting covers the coverers.

The Why Files is a must have for every parent. Or any person who still wants to know why the sky is blue. In short, as they say, the science behind the news.

Visit Despair, Inc. for a quick respite after confronting the news.

Exploratorium's Science of Baseball isn't a news site, though it does offer articles on a variety of historical and scientific baseball topics. But the site's great fun and even tests if you have the basics to hit a fastball.


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