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Happier Times Ahead

Post 1


Ms Dreamy You were the first person I met on the Site. I realise things have not been easy for you in the last year. I think life is a bit of a roller coaster for most people. I just hope for the future, your ride is less bumpy. Happy 2005, and maybe I will catch you on Spidey's Red Sofa, I do hope so, it is advertised in her Portfolio. luv and all the best wishes for you and your family, Serinsmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

Happier Times Ahead

Post 2


You have been my most special person and I feel I have some kind of connection with you.
I will look for Spidey's red sofa.
Best wishes for you and your loved ones for the New Year.

smiley - hug

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