This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher

Howdy Dreamy

Post 1


Hi Dreamy so nice to see you around these parts again...hope life is treating you better..sometimes it is a bit of a roller coaster hey..I am coming to the end of my study..mixed feelings..but will be glad when the Diploma is in my hot little paws...If you feel the need for inspiration with your writing the 60 word challenge is good Siderbaby runs it and they will be starting another one soon this one is just being scored..I could not enter this one techinical hitches...I will keep an eye out for you Dreamy as I find now I am 10 hours ahead in 0zz it can be a bit light on with people...Cheers for now yah old canine pal Dippidysmiley - dogx

Plan of action for pending close fo GW

Post 2


Just in case you want to be part of it dreamy:

There shall be a meeting at 7.00pm GMT tomorrow (thursday 2nd December) on the word play thread. KittyRed shall be chairing/facilitating. An agenda is to be raised from this list discussion. A plan of action shall be made at the meeting tomorrow night. All are welcome, please come if you can attend/ I send my apologies in advance, witching at the time!
Love Serinx

Plan of action for pending close fo GW

Post 3


Ohhh I haven't missed it then! I will try to be there for 7.00.
Hope you are well. Are they rumours that the site is to close in apr05?

Plan of action for pending close fo GW

Post 4


No you have not Dreamy, I hope you can make it as it is a crying shame that so much valuable talent is going to be dispersed into the nebulus...not if some of the militant members of this site can help it hey...Serin

Plan of action for pending close fo GW

Post 5


Things got hectic and I did have time for this. I do hope 2005 is going to be calmer. I would love to feel calm and cool.smiley - cool
Best Wishes for Christmas and the new year, Dippidy Xsmiley - cheerup

Plan of action for pending close fo GW

Post 6


Right back at yah Dreamysmiley - peacesign

All the best for Christmas and 2005

smiley - hugDippidy

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