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I can sympathise

Post 1


Hi dreamy and welcome back..hope you have a few days to aclimatise before yah back at the grind of work.. I had never been subjected to bomb scares in Australia but when I was living in London I did a stint in retail for some Christmas pocket money in the west end..remember the Harrods Bomb well the whole area of Regent St was sectioned off before the bomb actually went the bomb warning said it was meant to be in the West End..all the stores were evacuated I was very young and really scared.. everbody was so quiet and yet there were thousands of Christmas shoppers all walking silently in the same direction... I was alone and worried if the bomb went off in one of the stores woulden't the debri fall on us in the street (logic I thought)I just ran under the police tape and ran for the first Red bus ended up miles away in Ladbrook Grove..miles from where I lived...Irony of the story is 6 months later I was working in Harrods..who said retail was boring?Serin

I can sympathise

Post 2


Sorry dreamy bit spaced out lot of study stress at present big couple of weeks lots to do. My post above was in response to reading your mole in the hole..Well done it was very discriptive..btw I have written a couple of works if you would find the time I would appreciate your views. Serin

I can sympathise

Post 3


What can I say dreamy?? 'cept for I know I have not got magic..but sometimes I have felt magic..that is really happy..and a times I have felt bluesy as you pointed out recently we have a bit in common..but then I think there are a lot in our boat. I feel that if you can't give up work maybe you might consider looking for another job..seems that may be contributing to your restlessness...hope you don't find my comments presumptuous..anyway I hope this blues period sees it's way to moving over for the spring in the step dreamy..hang in there palsmiley - cheerupsmiley - ok Serin

I can sympathise

Post 4


Thanks for your message.smiley - smiley
I agree I do need to changes jobs.
Grass isn't always greener anywhere else and I probably won't get one that pays aswell at my age.....smiley - erm
I think I need a break - a long break and need it all to myself...without the kids or the hubby (as much as I love them ..) I need spece..... AND it doesn't look like its gonna happen! smiley - wah No holidays left and no money to do anything!smiley - wahsmiley - wah
I have you and have this site though! smiley - hug( Am I sad or what!? - about the site....)
You sound like a truely magical character....I hope your friends and family appreciate you.smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

I can sympathise

Post 5


Thank-you for your kind words Dreamy have had a tad less appreciation in the immediate family stakes (there not the types to vocalise it so I guess yah never know)my sister has been supportive in other ways however... me I learnt life is too short and if yah appreciate someone tell em...still have a husband that is a very good support..we don't have any kids and that is not by choice but just nature not doin her stuff..still however I am quite philisophical about it all...and think well never had them to make me laugh and never had them to make me cry... A 70 year old woman said that to me..she had one son...I think as regards your work never say never dreamy..I had my own business for 10 years fulltime and this made it hard for me to get work as I lacked recent experience in a corporate sense..(all though running a business and making it work is bloomin hard work 24/7 sometimes, and you have to wear many hats).. however as I had not got recent experience in the main stream work force...I put in for a job with an agency and ended up getting good money and a contract with the federal government..for 18 months which gave me good references and has opened more doors for me...I guess a big thing for me was how surprised I was recently when I found in my drawer a little scratched out list of thing I wanted to do that I wrote about 1998... After this course finishes in November I have pretty much acomplished them all..and believe you me when I wrote that list I thought the goals were not that there yah go it is possible! I guess it is the optimism and energy yah have to have to start the list but if yah can muster that I recommend it...I really appreciate people like yourself and this site it is a quite a valuable cyber community for me and I really value the friendships I have made...catch yah soon Dreamy keep yah catcher on the ready for those dreams...smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

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