Hi. Been reading several submissions, short stories, poems etc. which really impress me. I am a really bad, lapsed writer of unintelligable and outdated literary disasters. Several years ago I was lucky enough to have a short story and an article published. What fame! Now I am lucky to correctly address an envelope. However - hope springs eternal and I have decided to dedicate my spare time to writing once more. My spare time is limited. Three children plus partners, four grandchildren, one husband, one cat and one aged aunt; one greenhouse, three visits to the gym and a total addiction to Coronation Street, prove, at times, to be a minor hinderance. Excuses of course!
I just have no discipline. Or staying power. Or ideas.
I do however, have no less than three best selling novels, or at least the first few chapters of same,each in their own file in their own drawer. They have been checked, re-checked and re-written.
At some point one of them will mature into a work of creative genius. Or, they will be put on the pile of printed sheets that my grandchildren will use to draw amazing pictures. They may even be turned into paper aeroplanes that hang on coloured twine from their bedroom ceilings. My grandchildren are so much more creative than I am.

However, today is a turning point. My determined head is well and truly fixed on my slumped shoulders. I will, again, review my three part novels. I will, again, re-check the several short stories that lie discarded in favour of picnics in the forest and visits to Macdonalds with four overloud, over-active and purely magical children. The husband can converse with the aunt, the cat can curl up wherever she likes and the greenhouse will, in time, produce perfectly edible tomatoes and cucumbers with the minimum amount of help from me.
The time is right. I shall, while burning the rubber on the treadmill, create in my mind the most fantastic, moving, scary and funny scenarios ever. I feel it. Well, at this moment at least. What tommorow brings - who knows?

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