The ever spiralling and unravelling journey so far

It may be the cloudy enviroment or the soft green scenery of my southern english upbringing but the spiral needs the mountains of musical challenge. Current focus jazz and electronic music. Weather Report to Faust, Bob Dylan to Kraftwerk, Joe Zawinul to King Crimson. Sonny Criss to Marilyn Crisspell a rich but sometimes arid journet that continues to surprise and inspire the ear collector. Never discard one can always return to that sound.

Now the field of sound design beckons and fascinates via computer music, sequencing to VST, sampling to synths analog and digital, drum machines - mixing -collages of my own invention, effects and mastering all the tools on the desktop computer studio.

Reach out to the mountains on the off road mountainbike, a feast for outdoor adventure and a path to landscape photography. Channel the love of water on your sailboard, sail into the sunset on many seas.

And fund this all through strange IT project management that are always frustrating and difficult but occassionally allow the blue sky of humour. The joke underlying a converted technophobe who now earns computing dollar and even collects the vintage products, the antiques of the future.

Glancing at the horizon for more variety and interest, travel, glamour new found challenges, dreams...& so it continues, a life for a few more precious seconds.

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