Journal Entries

What have you got? ROCKY!

And now it is all over. Will I reach these busy times again?

Framed photos of cast as end of show presents went down well with everyone. Tricky finding something appropriate to write on the back of them all. Took ages to sort out best pictures at photographers shop - and even then I overlooked one of the cast. Everyone at work has had a good laugh at the images of me in fishnet stockings. smiley - laugh

I survived. smiley - cool

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2004

Give me a Y!

Apparently I have wonderful legs smiley - diva. Nice to get audience feedback smiley - biggrin

Sound continues to be an issue, with one person having a mic intermittently working, though personally my main prob/timing/lem is ... smiley - sadface

Checked out the show photos at the local camera shop. Photographer seems to have had a predilection for Janet and Frank n Furter - no good photos of me, lots of them.

What will I do when this is all over? Back to RL I suppose.

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2004

Give me a k..k..k..k..K!

In the last week now. Only now starting to feel comfortable about incorporating the ad-libs. For reference: ones that require a second or mores thought to be understood fall flat. The best one has been one attributed to Lionel Blair when he played the role;
"Isn't it strange? In every bunch of roses, you always get a little prick"
but as I've found, you have to grab your moment to use it - I've been thwarted (temporarily) when the hoped for interruption doesn't materialise on cue.

Caractacus smiley - cool

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2004

Give me a C!

Into the run now. Sound a major bugbear - nearly all cast radio mic'ed and feedback occurring annoyingly often.

Audiences seem to be having a good time though smiley - biggrin

Now to see if there is any word play...

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2004

Give me an O!

Opening night a couple of days away. Feedback from director and producer leaves much to be desired. Probably should be more assertive - told to pre-empt entrances so as to be in position. In rehearsal I was theoretically on stage almost continuously, but now without a lectern I must plan entrances and exits unobtrusively.

Also (finally) given feedback on entrances in Timewarp, which apparently were coming a fraction late and really irritating at least one other member of the cast.

I can understand why the cast are wary of giving advice, I have been burnt a couple of times myself by obnoxious denials of error. You can't help some people. I have no problem accepting suggestions - my self-image has no difficulty in believing some aspects of my performance could be improved. As I said "I have all the natural sense of rhythm of a slug". Respect to those able to mentally count beats while singing - I need a musical cue I can recognise.

The magic trick is going ok though.smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2004

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