This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford


Post 1


Hi Sally, I hope you don't mind me contacting you, I am very interested in getting my work published. Although I have already tried to investigate this through the web and books I am after a personal approach.

Your advice and information given on your space and the subbing group has really help me to understand just how much you have to do and how determined you must be to get published.

I am wondering about your subbing group, do you have a list of places you submit your work to or is it up to individuals to find that information?

I am do many things apart from write but do spend a considerable amount of time at my computer writing and I feel I am now ready to try getting published.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Michelle


Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Michelle
It's certainly the case that to improve your chances of being published, you need to submit a lot of work. The subbing group is a support group, and friendly race, to see who can post the most subs by December 31st 2004. We're aiming for 500 subs between us all, so we're always happy to welcome new members.

We don't have a central list (though I think Cassius Cat - Vanessa - has a list on her pf) but feel free to browse through the subbing thread, and the relating threads (Subbing Group discussion board, and Rejections Clinic) and see where other people have subbed. There are no strict rules that say members have to join and bring new places to sub to. We all share the information we have gladly.

You will find that the more time you spend on Get Writing or at other writing sites will lead you to new opportunities, which you can then share with others. But if you want to join the group, don't feel you have to come with a full list of publications. We all had to start at the beginning, and relied on those in the know to help us find the markets.

I'm not sure what sort of fiction you want to write, but I also run a group dedicated to Women's Fiction, as in the stories published in women's magazines like Take a Break and That's Life. There is loads of information on there about requirements for the different magazines, so if you'd like to join that too, you'd be very welcome.

Good luck!


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