
Hello everyone!!

Stardreamer here, although I do go under other names in other places. In terms of writing, I started off on the web doing LOTR fanfics and then decided to branch out into original fantasy short stories (although poems and songs do come out as well from time to time). I'm really going for it at the moment, entering competitions and submitting to magazines, and you will find me hanging around the sf&f section here, usually when I get stuck!

Just so you know what sort of thing I'm into, here are some of the things I like:

fairy tales and ballads
medieval romances
Romantic poets esp Keats
19th century novels (on the one hand, the historical adventures of Scott, Verne, Dumas - on the other the more feminine stuff like the Brontes and Jane Austen)
Tolkien and CS Lewis (of course)
Jostein Gaarder esp the Christmas/Solitaire Mysteries
the Thursday Next books

All my fanfics and (sometimes) up to date info on my writing exploits are on my (very pretty) homepage. Yes, I'm female." >

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your webiste Sep 24, 2004 Sep 27, 2004


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